Playlist of songs for which there are works

May 28, 2017 23:30

Direct link or see below.

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As well, not on YouTube:
These and More Than These - Jason Webley (Song)

Enjoy! I will add to it as pinch hits or treats come in. Some songs have more than one work! This may be a spoiler to what you're getting as a gift: click advisedly.

Regarding the fandom page at the collection
You may notice that the collection presently reads 49 works, 12 fandoms. Current AO3 wrangling policy is that unrevealed works are not wrangled. However, one of our participants who is also a wrangler has kindly agreed to wrangle the fandoms immediately at the time of reveals. I am also happy to consider any suggestions for additional aides to provide to ensure you can find what you're looking for. Meanwhile, please check that your work's fandom tag follows Archive standard for songs/music videos, i.e., Song - Artist (Media).

Please see previous posts for outstanding pinch hits. Treats are also very welcome.

2017, resources

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