Beta Post 2017

Apr 24, 2017 09:54


Hope you're enjoying your assignment. Barring any pinch hits, this should be the last post from me for a little while.

Volunteer to be a Beta

If you can offer feedback on fic, art, or podfic at the draft stage, please comment here or on DW. The following information is necessary:
  • What media you can give feedback on
  • Your AO3 name, if it's different from the name you're using to comment with, and you've signed up to this year's exchange
  • How to contact you.
Additionally, the following information may be useful:
  • Any content you will not beta, or warnings you would like before opening a file
  • Things you're particularly interested in (themes, tropes, gender configurations for romance/sex)
  • When you are or aren't available
  • Your preferred file formats.

If you can check spelling or tell someone what confused you or what you liked about a story or piece of art, or if you can give technical suggestions to improve an artwork or a podfic, please consider volunteering! Betas are awesome. Thank you.

It is not mandatory to get your work beta-checked. It is merely very much encouraged. If you're having trouble finding a beta, please talk to me, Morbane, and I'll try to help.

Please don't post openly about what you're creating & who for - but it is fine to discuss this privately with your beta.

2017, betas

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