The creator names have been revealed on
Jukebox 2016 works.
Thank you very much to everyone for taking part! Thank you particularly to hhertzof, Measured_Words, and Nary, for tag wrangling, to lalalalalawhy, Measured_Words, merryghoul, Missy, Sumi, thedevilchicken, and Zdenka, for pinch hitting, and to lanalucy and within_a_dream for offering to beta read.
There was a short anon period this year; works have really only been available for a brief time. Although the year's challenge is over, I know I haven't seen everything that interests me yet, and I hope others will continue to view and/or comment along with me.
As usual, I really enjoyed running this, and I am always pleased when new people join in, or previous participants return.
The times of day, and days of the week, on which deadlines or other important things happened, generally worked well for me. Did anyone have any thoughts on that? If I don't hear any suggestions, I'll probably make next year's schedule very similar, other commitments permitting. Was the creation period long enough for you?
I'm still struggling with guidelines for art, and we had fewer artists this year to weigh in, I know. There are problems with using pixel size as a guideline - it's so arbitrary, and the dimensions I picked could even be irritatingly large on some screens. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I could also use some help with the design and layout of the comm. Web design is really not my strong suit, and I know that neither the LJ nor the DW side are the prettiest and best organised they could be.
Only one person asked me to beta this year! That's fewer than usual... I know some people don't use betas, and other people ask their friends or partners to be their regular betas. I encourage getting feedback on your work before submitting it as a gift, but I hesitate to make it mandatory. Anyway: is there anything I can do to make it easier to find, or be, a beta?
If you have any comments on these thoughts, or other aspects of the exchange, please feel welcome to add them.
Oh, and one last, fun question: are there any songs from this year's tag set that you particularly hope people nominate next year? Or, any new nominations you're thinking of for next year?
Remember this post is
also on DW.
ETA: I will probably have 6 or 7 nominations per person next year instead of 8 - I think people enjoyed 8, but it's more work for me and matching was not as close as in previous years. I will also probably start the exchange sliiiightly earlier, offline commitments permitting, as Easter is much later in 2017 so I won't be planning around it.