I have made creators' names visible on the archive. Feel free to promote your work under your own name.
Thank you to everyone, especially to Measured_Words for tag wrangling, to silverr, Flamebyrd, fleurlb, Zdenka, seekingferret, Merfilly, merryghoul, and IShouldBeWriting for pinch hitting, and to seekingferret and Measured_Words for discussing rules with me before the start of this round. Thanks also goes to paraka, chestnut_filly, originally, and akamine_chan for discussing podfic with me, and hm_f for discussing art.
As usual, I really enjoyed running this exchange and I'm glad about everyone who participated. However, everything can be improved, and if the exchange didn't work for you in some way, I'm interested in hearing about that too. Feel free to comment on this post - anonymous comments are enabled, if you prefer.
So - there's a bit of a difference between running this while working more than full-time, and running this while working part-time, who'd have thought? :) I was sad I didn't write any treats or pick up any pinch hits, despite saying I intended to be the last-resort pinch hitter. Next year I should have a little more time. Don't worry, though I intend to keep commenting on this year's works.
(I should also confess that when I said "it seems like one pinch hit has been held up," that was due to a miscommunication. My fault, not the pinch hitter's.)
I think next year I will make the period between deadline and reveal a full week. That is easier on pinch hitters, and allows for more treating.
I know anon periods don't work for everyone. At present, I would like to keep one in this exchange, because I enjoy them a lot and they help me comment swiftly. But if there is a clear preference from participants that this should change, I will listen to you. And for those of you who dislike anon periods, if there's something else I can do that would make them less annoying, please suggest it.
This year, I included art and podfic. Do you have any thoughts on how that worked out?
Any general thoughts are welcome.
Please remember that if you defaulted and you do not comment on the gift(s) you received, you may not sign up to Jukebox again. To reverse that ban, comment on your gift. If there are extenuating circumstances, like unexpected triggers, please talk to me.
I expect to run this exchange at about the same time next year, though I may start one or even two weeks earlier.
Another general question: what kind of preferences do people have for the times of day, or time of week, that deadlines happen or collections are revealed? If you could name the perfect time for a deadline or reveal for you, what would it be? (Please state the region, of course.)
Don't forget to check out any thoughts people may have posted on the parallel journal,