One Week to Deadline

May 28, 2015 13:59

I promise I will not post many more of these... because it will be deadline.

Useful links below!

Countdown to assignment deadline

AO3 collection link

All requests on AO3

Beta readers - on Dreamwidth and on LiveJournal

All songs ordered by artist
All songs ordered by title

Elanya's YouTube playlist of (almost) all requested songs

As always, feel free to talk to me if you have questions or concerns -

Oh, PS: If you submit your work, and the fandom does not seem to show up on either the Jukebox collection's fandoms page or AO3's Uncategorized Fandoms page, let me know. Sometimes fandoms slip in between the cracks that way, and if you let me know, I will follow it up with AO3 Support. (Or you can contact Support yourself, but we may double up.)

deadlines, 2015

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