Nominations are Open! +schedule update

Jul 25, 2013 13:30

This post covers two points: nominations, and a more precise schedule.

To nominate, go to and click the "Nominate" button at the top right. You will need to be signed in with your AO3 account. If you don't have one, request one now - they seem to take about a day to process.

You will see eight blank spaces for your nominations. I've increased it from five to eight because several people seemed to have a lot of ideas and I am feeling optimistic about managing to keep them all straight. Very few songs are already listed on the AO3, so you will probably be submitting entirely new fandoms.

The preferred AO3 format for songs and videos is as follows:

Song Name - Artist (Medium)

and more generally,
Title - Author/Creator (Additional details)
Title - (Additional details)
if you have a song that doesn't neatly fit that format.

If you have a specific cover artist in mind, specify them.

For example,
Mykonos - Fleet Foxes (Music Video)
Mykonos - Fleet Foxes (Song)
Lilac Wine - Jeff Buckley (Song)
Lilac Wine - Nina Simone (Song)

Please check the spelling carefully when you enter your nominations.

Once you have submitted your nominations, you can edit each one until I've checked it over. You can do this by going back to the tag set, clicking "My Nominations", then "Edit". If you want, you can use this function to enter some nominations, submit them, then come back and fill in the rest a little later.

Once I've approved them, it will take approximately a day before they show up in the tag set proper. Meanwhile, I'll create a list that will be visible on the LJ and DW journals, in case you want to double-check what's been approved before you nominate something.

Comment or email me (jukebox.mod, at gmail) if you have problems. (If you use a comment, someone else may be able to tell you how they solved the problem before I get around to it.)

While I'm approving and cleaning up the nominations, I would be very grateful if you would comment or email with links to:
-some online form of the song

At the weekend, I'll start making tables of all the songs, their lyrics, and their online links; if you could help me start that process by providing them, I'd be very happy.

These nomination guidelines are basically copied over from my earlier FAQ post.
Each canon you nominate should fit these criteria:

-It is a piece of recorded music that includes lyrics (in any language) and is shorter than 20 minutes. This may include a video.
-It's widely accessible. There should be an online link (preferably legal), or, you should be confident that it has been popular enough that someone else will have access to it.
-It stands on its own without reference to a wider canon. For example, a song from a larger production is fine as long as it would make sense to someone who doesn't know the rest of the production.

It can be a poem set to music, if you can provide a reference to a recorded version. It doesn't have to be in English. It can be associated with another form of media, like a video game.

Please only nominate songs you'd be interested in writing or reading fic for.

Next, schedule. I'm on New Zealand time (UTC+12), which is often different enough from the time of the people I'm talking to that we're in different days. With that in mind, here is an updated schedule that includes fixed reference points. EDT is New York time.

(Sorry for earlier confusion. I'm not two days in the future. It's been a weird week.)

Nominations open:
Wednesday 24 July 20:00 EDT / Thursday 25 July 12:00 NZST

Nominations close:
Thursday 1 August 23:59 EDT / Friday 2 August 16:00 NZST

(Break for additional checking and wrangling of canons)

Sign-ups open:
Sunday 4 August 17:00 EDT / Monday 5 August 09:00 NZST

Sign-ups close:
Sunday 11 August 23:59 EDT / Monday 12 August 16:00 NZST

Assignments go out by:
Tuesday 13 August 08:00 EDT / Tuesday 13 August 23:59 NZST

Assignments due:
Monday 23 September 23:59 EDT / Tuesday 24 September 16:00 NZST

Collection opens:
Wednesday 25 September 17:00 EDT / Thursday 26 September 09:00 NZST

Authors revealed:
Friday 4 October 17:00 EDT / Sat 5 October 10:00 NZDT

I will be updating the earlier schedule to reflect this.

Finally, I'm also amending the number of permissible requests. It was 3-5 and I'm making it 3-6.

nominations, schedule

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