It's gonna be alright

Mar 04, 2008 02:12

Ello, ello!
I'm back to updating this journal! *Applause*
I know I REALLY should update this more but I've been rather busy with my life at the moment when I'm not juggling school, work, and relationships. I'm actually glad that winter semester is almost over. That means that I only have to take my basic math class in the spring/summer semester number one which is like the the first half of summer from I think late April to June.
I think it'll be good to just have that one class and at the rate I'm going, I'll have a total of at least twenty some credits all together. I worked hard through all my drama. I also have some news. I feel like I'm a nomad, seriously. I go from place to place. I've been to a few schools all my life and now I'm doing it again. Lol.
I don't mind OCC at all, I just feel kinda blah about it. I hated Grand Valley and now I don't really like OCC all that much so I have decided to switch schools again! I know that I MUST be crazy to do this but I know exactly where I'm going or I'm like 90% sure and it was a school that I almost went to instead of GVSU. I'm not going back to Grand Valley. I'm iffy on Oakland and I really don't want Western.
I have decided to go to *Drumroll* Specs Howard school of broadcast arts so I can focus on my radio broadcasting and actually become a dj. I know that it won't be easy but I'm excited abotu it and REALLY want to do this. I almost picked this school before but went w/ GVSU to get the whole "college experience" and actually try to get a degree. Well, that failed and I realized that a big university isn't really for me.
I'm going to go visit there soon and talk things over with my original girl that I talked to before, Lynn. I'll be starting in the summer though and it'll be about 8 months. I'm hoping to get an internship while I'm there and get some good job offers. If that doesn't work out, I'll finish up gen. ed's to get my associates, which I already have a lot of classes done for.
I'm not sorry that I went to Grand Valley though because I got to work on my radio show which made me SO happy and I met Chris.
Yeah, we are still together. We've been together now for 4 months and I think that's pretty good. He just makes me feel so happy. It has been very hard to do the long distance thing but we've been managing it pretty well.
I've never admitted this to any guy and actually meant it but I love him and I know that he loves me for who I am and that's just great.
Geez, I sound like "Juno." That's an excellent movie.
This week is good since Chris is home for Winter break but I still have school but at least we'll get some time to hang. I also managed to get him to watch my favorite movie pretty much of all-time, "Across the Universe" and he actually liked it. Now he's making me watch one of his movies which I'm guessing will be something w/ Dirty Harry.
I don't know what else to write about, I've gained most of my weight back and I'm eating normally. I also have started to work out again and I'm actually liking it. Oh yeah, I also want to make a return to dance but I want to try taking Ballroom dancing or something cool like that.
Today I was excited because it rained which means spring is right around the corner and it's gotten lighter out! YEAY!
I got to go to the Auto Show recently and that was really fun and I got to meet Chris's whole family. They really like me and yesterday my family and I took Chris to the DIA and we actually had fun there. I really liked the modern art stuff and photography/print section. The cultural stuff was cool too, especially all the Asian inspired pieces.
It was hilarious though because I saw the Beatles:the first us visit and in it, Paul holds up a picture I think from his hotel and yells, "IT'S AN ABSTRACT" so I kept yelling that out at random times.
I seriously do have a hard time appreciating art that I could do and that's not good either. The weirdest one was 3 pots and 3 medicine balls painted black and put on a shelf. Ohhh. The giant poilce uniform was weird too.
I'm pysched though because I'm planning on taking Chris w/ me to the Cranbrook institute of Science and I haven't been there since I was little. I want to see the lazer show! OMG, LAZER SHOW!
Other weirdness is that all my friends seem to be getting engaged and my Aunt too, there's like soemthing in the water.
I'm too young for that and I'm not ready for that yet, maybe in like 4-5 years but not right now.
Last week I went shopping and got a pair of pants! GO ME! It's hard to find pants since I'm in between sizes and I'm so short that I have to hem them a lot. I say I'm allergic to them. Lol.
I also went into borders and spent some money. I got a really great book by Rob Sheffield, he's a music journalist and it's called "Love is like a mix tape." It's such a good read and I love it so far. I also bought the dvd for "The kids are alright" by the Who. I love it so far and thanks to Jeff, I've become a HUGE Who fan! I can't decide who my fav. member is. I like Roger Daltrey is sexy, Pete's a genious, John is THE bass god, and Keith moon is the loon! I love his crazy drumming ways and it almost makes me want to be a drummer. Besides them, I love Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and the Kinks at the moment. I go through musical phases that are strange.
I've also decided on something and that is that I need to reconnect w/ my friends. I miss them alot and I feel I've neglected some people and pushed others away and I didn't mean to. It's also hard because Chris has become my best friend and everyone's always so busy w/ school and stuff. I hate getting older and you lose your inner social circle. It's not like high school used to be. Speaking of which, I really need to stop by Kettering to say hi. I know some of my friends did it and mainly I just want to see Mr. Hiatt, Mrs. Harness, and especially Mr. Malley. Mr. Malley I will never forget. He told me that he knew that I had such a passion and love of music. He knew that I could make it in the broadcasting world and wished me the best of luck and that's what I'm going to do. I will stop by but of course after school's out at 2:10. They have a scary desk out front where you sign in so you can't come anymore to sneak in.
Well, I'm about to go call my boyfriend and as always I have homework to do. I hate it and I hate that I procrastinate which ironically enough this week is national procrastination week and to that I say, alright! I'll have an excuse. Haha.
I actually did get quite a bit done but I always get overwhelmed and over think everything. I'll be happy when I go to Specs because I think of it this way and I love this quote. Max in "across the universe" says that "Who you are, defines what you do."
I think that's amazing advice and I believe it. I know that some people think I should've went to Specs in the first place because of it's reputation and others didn't believe in me I think. This other quote has keep me going. John Lennon's Aunt Mimi said this to him, "The guitar's alright as a hobby John, but you'll never make a living out of it." Look what happened! Teehee.
Okay, I think I've been typing for too long and I'm needing to hear Chris's voice.
I'll type more often in here!
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