It's funny, I can remember being a kid and laughing, rolling my eyes when my mom would talk about Elvis and get weepy on his birthday watching those "remembering Elvis" television broadcasts and stuff. I thought it was silly, but he died before I was born, and despite loving his music, I didn't really know The King or really get the full experience of the guy and his wonder on stage. So I always thought it was silly when my mom would cry over him every time his Birthday came around, and the anniversary of his death. Regardless of this, I cried my eyes out walking through Graceland a couple of years ago. That definitely struck a cord. Mom says it's because I have a soft heart when it comes to things like that.
But now I can completely understand why she cried over Elvis. She was young and grew up with his amazing music, so she grew to love him while he was alive, and probably had those same teenage girl fantasies of being his girlfriend, etc. I haven't really gotten over the fact that Michael Jackson is dead. I've been listening and dancing to Thriller since I was a kid! I have the vinyls for Thriller and Bad (effectively put up under lock and key now). I remember dancing in the living room in 1992 when his live concert from Bucharest was on TV. I remember him stopping a couple of times to kneel down and cry, I remember watching him do Thriller and Beat It and Smooth Criminal and singing along to them even though I didn't know all of the words. And I have no shame and am not embarrassed by admitting that it was when I saw the Dirty Diana video the first time (obviously long after it was done since I was way too young when it first came out, lol) that I started having those silly fangirl fantasies of dating that hot man dancing on the screen. lol, totally serious. That man was gorgeous and I would have done him in a heartbeat if given the opportunity.
I totally admit to being twelve and dancing to Beat It over and over again, lol. Drove my mom nuts, I'm sure. I wore out those old cassette tapes to the point they couldn't be played anymore and at that point, everything was on CD, but I don't think I ever bought any of them, because, seriously, Limewire, lol.
What's is been now? A little under two weeks? I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he's actually gone. I'm really sad for his kids because I know they loved him and he loved them. It's just so weird, because you just don't realize how big an influence on the world someone had until they're gone. Now when I hear his music or see his music videos (and let's face it, they've been playing nonstop on TV since the day he died) I can't stop myself from crying. I mean, for years, I never even thought about it. Whenever he was on TV, yeah, momentary excitement and then you move on to the next day. I was super excited when he announced that huge tour in London because that was going to be a Live DVD I wanted to have once it came out.
So that Thursday when I saw that Farah Fawcett had died, I knew it was going to be one of those days. And then on the news at what, five? there was a sudden announcement that "The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, was reportedly taken to UCLA Hospital earlier this afternoon suffering from cardiac arrest and we'll update you as soon as we get any more information" blah blah blah, so of course I jumped on CNN and saw that they were already confirming he'd died. So by the time channel 3 confirmed it on the news, I was crying. You just don't think about that kind of stuff. There was no warning or anything, the man was just suddenly gone.
I stayed up all night that night watching the "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough" marathon on BET and ended up watching it until it went off on Friday. I specifically watched the BET Awards on Sunday because I knew they'd be paying tribute and I wanted to see it.
Then of course there are those people out there, like the woman claiming to be the spokeswoman they keep showing who keeps telling everyone, "This was a man with flaws and we need to remember that. Don't mourn him," that bitch should be punched in the fucking face. Show some respect. Another thing that really upset me and really made me cry was seeing that picture of him being pulled out of the ambulance and they were trying to pump oxygen, I mean, really, who the hell thought it was okay to take a picture like that? And even more, SELL it to the highest bidder to be shown on TV. That is not the way we're supposed to remember him. That is not the last image of him that I wanted to see and I was furious that they would show it. And they KEPT showing it over and over again. It hurt me to see it because that's in such poor taste, that really, wow.
And as far as the alleged "child molestation" charges, whatever. I don't believe for one second that he'd ever do that to a child. He loved kids and I really don't believe he'd ever hurt them in anyway, especially not in that way. People are going to believe what they want, that's up to them, but I believe he was innocent, there you go.
Anyway, the point is, the man has only been gone for less than two weeks and already the world seems a little less bright. (yeah I stole that from PotC, but it's totally true).
Basically, what I want to say is, RIP Michael Jackson. You Rock My World.
Love always,