Hey, y'all!

Nov 09, 2012 21:58

I feel like it's been ages. I've been pretty much computer-less for a month, thanks to an unending paint job that took three painters and a whole lot of headache, but things seem to be getting back to normal.

Well, I hope they will: fresh paint or not, I'm getting my computer and my TV back on working order even if I have to kill something.

On other news, it turns out that I have decided this week to attend to Fiona Apple's concert in the end of the month, and I'm still celebrating about Andrew Bird coming to Rio next February. Yay, concerts! I haven't been to one for a long time.

Also, also, I'm already excited about traveling to São Paulo next week. It's a big weekend in Brazil (thanks to the Proclamation of the Republic holiday on Thursday), so I'm taking the opportunity to have my third trip to São Paulo this year. Which is a place I kind of love.

My great friend and usual enabler dtissagirl is going with me, and we have plans to meet lovely marcele there. I foresee lots of good food and pretty cosmetics and other girlie stuff being consumed. Yay!

On *other* other news, thank you USA-ers for electing Obama. The world appreciates it.

Now excuse me while I try to catch up with livejournal in between re-reading old fics. :)

brasilianismo, capitalism yay!, all.about.me, trip

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