Randomly random.

Aug 11, 2012 20:54

The Olympics Games are ending tomorrow, and that makes me really sad. Except for the part that gives my heart some rest after all this excitement, especially these last few days with so many finals going on.

As for the new job thing, it's a 99,9% done deal, I think. I am so, so afraid of saying 100% because, you know. But yes, an almost done deal.

I even have a date to begin, kinda: August 24th. Which kind of sucks because after giving up on my vacation (which should start tomorrow, dammit), I was hoping to take at least one week at the end of the month before starting there on September. But they changed dates, and now I'm just happy I'll be able to take 4 days for myself, staring on the 20th.

Which means this next week is my last one at the office. You guys, my last week!

I'm incredibly sentimental about this.

Oh well. Changes are good. Right.

london 2012, work work work

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