Does this thing still work?

Apr 15, 2012 19:36

Hey, long time, yadda yadda.

For a change, this week's been eventful. Which probably explains why all I've done today was sleep.

Anyway, after a long weekend celebrating Easter (no work for 4 days, love), last Monday I was going back to work when I... fainted.

I was lucky I was still in Niterói, and it was before getting into the ferry boat - I was actually in the ferry boat station, waiting to get aboard. My blood pressure dropped very suddenly, and when I saw, I was being attended by people I've never seen before.

It was scary, but I was really lucky. I cannot complain AT ALL by how I was treated by the people at the station. Bad thing that my mother almost had a heart attack herself when she was called and asked to go get me because I felt ill. So it turns out I didn't work on Monday, and had to go to the hospital to make sure everything was alright. Which it was. But I do think there's an ongoing issue with my blood pressure, because I felt sick again on Wednesday (though fortunately it was quick, and I didn't faint), and my eyesight's getting the tendency to go black on me when I raise from bed or chairs too quickly.

As a consequence, I went to a neurologist on Friday, and I have a TON of exams to do, some of which I've never even heard before. And that, ladies and gentleman, is the meaning of getting older.

Oh, and to make things really PERFECT, my tooth broke on Wednesday.



Again a situation I had never found myself in before, and I don't plan on repeating the dose.

So after spending 200 bucks on a emergency dentist consultation that lasted 5 minutes and just served to remove the part of the tooth that was still stuck in the gum (hi, over-sharing), I still have a hole in my tooth, and it's driving me insane. I just managed to make an appointment with my dentist on Thursday morning, so it's safe to say I still have a few days to go crazy over this.

But not all things were bad. On Thursday, I decided to ignore my father's complaints and get myself a dog.

I've been crazy about getting a dog - A BIG ONE, OKAY? - for ages, and my boss mentioned on Thursday that he still had 2 dogs from the last breeding, born on December. I thought, you know what? I'm getting the male.

I mean, I have a place for him, in Friburgo. Our house there has all the structure for a dog - hell, it even already has a dog, our neighbour's rottweiler. There's space, someone to take care of him, and he will be a great company for Dasha, who lives alone there for years.

That, and I really want a dog, dammit.

He's an English pointer, white and chocolate brown, 4 months old, and his name is Rex.

My dad had a dog called Rex when he was a kid. Which means it was written on the stars, obviously.

That, and I know my father. He will be whipped by the puppy in two days, I'm sure.

I still haven't gotten him - he's at my boss' country house, and we're currently car-less, for Mum sold my (well, hers) smaller car, and the big one is in repair after my dad got into a little incident with one of those traffic dividers while trying to park the car. The whole thing was pretty ridiculous, let me tell you that. But anyway, car-less, so fetching the puppy was postponed for next weekend.


In other news, someone must tell me how I can physically remove myself (metaphorically) from ebay. I've bought so many cheap jewellery in the last couple of days that it's not even funny. And it's not like ebay's the most reliable thing ever, or that Brazilian customs is the most reliable thing ever, for that matter. I must stop!


So you see? Not all was bad. Just... bumpy.

puppeh!, ohnoes, hi i'm random, woes,

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