I should be in bed already.

Jun 20, 2011 00:57

Finally managed to arrange all my new pretty make up bought in the US. Took some creativity to make it all fit in my closet while still being practical, but I did it! Even my Mum is proud of my tidying up skills, and she's almost OCD about it.

But I failed in trying to catch up with the internets, and that means I still have 20 days worth of updated in LJ to go through. I gave up on Tumblr, though. Moving forward and all that.

Yesterday was a great day with friends, even if we couldn't watch X-Men in the theatre because there were technical problems. We ate a lot, to compensate. As one does.

There was a sad piece of news, though. There was a helicopter accident in Bahia, and a client of the office, along with her 2 years old son, died in it. We were talking of her case on Friday. The whole thing is devastating.

On other news, thank God for short weeks. Hopefully I won't need to work on Friday. *fingers crossed*

cry me a river, work work work, girlie!girl, capitalism yay!

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