May 01, 2011 03:21

Today I had a movie extravaganza and watched Thor and Rio in the theatre.

I've been wanting to go to the theatre for ages - to watch Rio, especifically - and something always came up. So this last week I settled with tatileite that we would watch Rio today, period. And we made plans. Plans are good.

Last week was also when she told me that Thor would premiere, and maybe we could watch it too, to which I though, okay, cool. It's not like I'd watch by myself, company was good. Company is enabling.

I had already decided to watch Thor because:

1) Hi, Kenneth Branagh;
2) I'll probably watch everything about The Avengers - thank you for that, Tony Stark. You even made me watch Hulk;
3) Bitch about Thor not being played by Alexander Skarsgård, but instead by Kirk's Dad, who is an aussie dude and I'm sorry, he just doesn't look like a Viking God, size and colour complexion notwithstanding.

So I though, yeah, okay, let's watch both, and thus plans got more complex to fit both movies in a reasonable period of time and all, but we've managed.

[Hah, I write like we solved the greatest of mysteries, or a particularly hard equation.]

First we watched Thor.

From the reasons I had to watch the movie, maybe you noticed that I wasn't really interested in the movie itself? Well, I wasn't, not really.

So I went in completely blind. I knew two things about it: Kirk's Dad played Thor, and Daddy!Skarsgård would be in it.

Imagine my surprised when the movie started and I was like, wait, Oscar Winning Natalie Portman is in it?

Yeah, I hadn't even noticed the posters either.

And then Stellan was great in it (and not playing Odin; if he played Odin's to Kirk's Dad's Thor, I'd be pissed); and then there was Anthony Hopkins, and Idris Elba, and Rene Russo (I love that she looks her age and is still stunning), and ohmygod, that's Jeremy freaking Renner, uncredited and all (I checked).

I confess I had much more fun with it than I thought I would. For starters, there are some really funny scenes in it. There was plenty of Agent Coulson's screentime and shout outs to the whole Avengers saga; they made the Xena and Robin Hood joke; they did try to make Loki a dubious villain, instead of just pure evil whatnots (though I'm not saying the succeeded per se, but still, they tried); Natalie Portman's character was a girlie and charming leading lady, and I'm not even a big fan.

And have I mentioned that Stellan was great on it? During all his scenes I kept wishing he was acting with Alexander, and how much more awesome that would be. They could even speak Swedish, for chrissake. But the whole idea still rendered plenty of comments that made the whole thing much more enjoyable, I think.

[Also, think about it: Alexander Skarsgård finally playing a Viking God. 90% of all Generation Kill fics have some joke about this.]

As for Kirk's Dad... well. He wasn't terrible in it, in a way I would want to cut my eyeballs off, but he didn't really sold himself to me as a Viking God. Throughout the movie he gave me the impression of being an aussie-surfer-meets-cowboy-meets-fratboy-dude, and not, you know, Thor, God of Thunder.

Also, he's kind of huge. Not just tall, but hugely built. Not a complement.

But despite him, I did enjoy the movie a lot. I'm not very familiar with nordic mythology, so I'm not sure if it was very true to it - or to the comics, for that matter. But it was nice to match the little I know with characters and stuff. I definitely wouldn't mind watching again.

After that, we watched Rio.

I've been trying to watch Rio since it premiered, like, two or three weeks ago, I'm not sure. Something always came up. Also, it was important that we'd watch the subtitled version, because have I mentioned my crush about Jesse Eisenberg lately? Well, it's still here. Also, I just hate dubbed movies. HATE it with a passion.

But we finally watched it today, and it's FUN. And pretty. As they'd say, it's all about "location, location, location".

While it is a movie about Rio for foreigners to appreciate, it didn't offend me (as something like that is prone to do). I even appreciated it too. I'm sure that the director being Brazilian helped a lot, of course. It was funny and the characters and the places looked true, and it's just nice to recognize the place you live in the big screen.

The plot was simple, but that's not what matters, it never was. It's funny, it's pretty, and it was as good as I hoped for.

[And Jesse's GREAT in it. Well, his voice is great in it. The crush is still going strong, thanks for asking.]

movie: rio, movies, brasilianismo, alexander skarsgård, movie: thor

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