The *tone* changes everything.

Nov 20, 2010 03:15

Turns out the week sucked as bad as I thought it would, but for completely different reasons. Okay, so maybe it sucked more, because I was kind of expecting it to suck in one way, so I ended up totally blindsided. Which, well. Sucks.

But whatever. It's moving on time. And making decisions time. And why again did it all have to happen two weeks before my birthday?


On other news (yes, please), my right eye socket hurts. I have no idea why -- I assure you I was not punched, slapped, kicked, or a victim of any other kind of physical violence (my week didn't suck THAT BAD). It's a weird kind of pain, kind of... inside it? Under the bone? I can't even describe it, just that my *eye* doesn't hurt, but something around it does. Like, only when I blink. Which is very helpful, of course. Not.


My plans for tomorrow is do nothing at all, and on Sunday, it's Harry Potter day, baby! I'm excited. I'm pretty sure I'll laugh and cry and love and hate the movie in equal proportions, for a vast variety of reasons. It's all very complex.

But I'm already worried that the weekend is going to end soon -- and it hasn't even properly started yet. It's just that I'm so exhausted, physically and emotionally, that I'm already sad because I know two days won't be enough.

As I said, it's all very complex.

[I'm sure my psychologist best friend would have a field day with my posts lately, if she was still reading LJ. I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad about that.]


I have TONS of Generation Kill fics to read, most of them huge and, I'm sure, awesome. I probably won't be able to catch up this weekend, but I'll sure make a great effort. Even if all I do (other than the movie on Sunday) is read fics. Oh, sacrifices.

ugh! argh!, harry pottah!, movies, woes, ficcity fic, hi i'm random, tv: generation kill,

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