Oh hi!

Oct 02, 2010 23:29

How is it October already?

Which reminds me: 1) tomorrow's election day -- I feel like I should watch The West Wing or something (like I needed an excuse); and B) next weekend I'm going to Campinas with some friends, to meet some other friends, and it's going to be awesome. That is, as long as my plane doesn't crash and I don't die.

I don't do airplanes very well.


It's baffling me that I have to pack, like, tomorrow, because I won't have really much time to do it during the week, as I'm flying on Friday right next to work. Hopefully. My flight is scheduled for 10PM, and considering it's a big holiday's eve, I'm pretty sure airport will be chaos, and flights will be delayed. Oh, well.

And I hate packing.

Regardless, I'm really excited! I really, really am!

And currently, I have a HUGE headache. What's with all the back pains and headaches lately? Is it really the age? Am I really that old? Don't answer that.

Legal drugs, here I come.

[I should be catching up with TV, but instead I'm re-reading GK fic. I'm 100%, totally and completely OK with that.]

brasilianismo, tv: generation kill, my friends and my cards and my friends, trip

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