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Jun 02, 2009 17:16

My plans on watching Southland this last weekend were abated by sleep. Lots of sleep. I had nothing to do, really, so I just caught up with sleep. It sounded pretty logical to me at the time.

Besides, I'm still watching Generation Kill episodes with audio commentaries (YAY, DVD!) and reading Fick's book, so my attention was understandably divided.

Seriously, 2009 will be known as The Year That Ju Discovered Generation Kill And Doom Soon Followed.

Anyway, I still managed to watch a couple of episodes of Southland,

I thought it was OK. But I do have to make a mea culpa: for whatever reason (it has something to do with too many video files in my laptop and not enough organization on my part), I watched the second episode before the pilot. *slaps forehead* I know! And while it felt pretty average and disjointed (duh!), I still thought it deserved another try, so I planned on watching the second episode later. Except that by then I had seen the mix up and ended up watching - finally - the pilot.

And that's the whole amount of the show that I'd seen: two episodes. The pilot is much better than the second one - it's actually quite good - and I liked enough characters to know I'd keep watching for a while. I liked the officers immediately, and as for the Detectives, I loved Regina King - but then again, one of the reasons for my watching the show was her anyways. You guys? She rocks. Also, Detective Bryant (whoever the hell he is - the actor didn't ring me any bells) kind of grew on me too. But I *really* could do without their personal lives, really. I don't wanna know about the wife, the daughter, the lover, the DOG, the whatever. I think it means I've seen too much shallow cops' shows lately, yes, but there you go.

But I also had a random free moment yesterday while coming back from my law course, and watched The Unusuals pilot. I won't go into details or anything, but I just need to say that I? LOVED it. To tiny itty-bitty pieces. I'm actually really upset that it was not renewed, but am also definitely watching the rest of the episodes.

On other news, I just realized earlier today that, after two years on a roll, this is the first June/July I don't have to maniacally study for tests. Of course, it's also the first after two consecutive years without a Panamerican Games or the Olympics. And the World Cup is one year away.

You guys? It sucks.

Anyway. Now I must shake myself out of the funk and go study, for I do have a course test tomorrow. I have no idea why, but I'm feeling very off today. Maybe it's because I haven't slept this much since... well, Saturday. I need someone to nudge me back on track. Or maybe shove me. *blinks*

dvds are my crack, tv: the unusuals, books, generic tv babble, hi i'm random, test.test.argh.test, bzuh?, tv: generation kill, tv: southland

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