best. life. ever......... except not.

Aug 28, 2005 19:37

So. Because my little problem with loud noises and stuff yesterday, let's just say it's been a rough day, and it's nowhere close to an end. One legal sentence? Check. One more? So not check. Same goes with at least 60-80 pages I still need to read to test tomorrow.

I think I will start denying God from now on. Damn those loud religious freaks.

Also? Why people stumble upon a website, let's say for an example, about brushes. And then they go, oh, cool, little things I have no idea what to do with! And then they bother the poor webmistress asking to please explain them what is a brush and how to use them? Seriously. Is it just for me that it sounds a little absurd? Why can't people look a little around before asking someone else? They just think, nah, why bother if I can ask someone else to explain EVERYTHING to me RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING.

I swear, if I ever receive an e-mail asking me about birds and bees, or the big bang, or whatever else that can be considered THE BEGINNING OF EVERYTHING, I will not be surprised.

OK, I will stop caps-locking now.

Actually, just one more caps-lockage: WOO-HOO! I bought meself an iPod! A mini iPod, because I'm girly like that. And remember when I was wondering about a blue one or pink one? I bought a *silver* mini iPod. Because I'm logical like that too.

Now I just hope I receive it alright. And soon! Because I will start dreaming of it if I don't.

Yes, I have a tendency of dreaming about things that bothers/excites me. Like, more than would be considered normal. I dreamt of making a legal sentence while listening to my future-to-be iPod last night, why do you ask? ;)


Oh. I now am a proud owner of a Maldini icon (lookie lookie). Hey, it's only fair. He is, after all, the reason I named my laptop, well, Maldini. And speaking of random things I name, I think Vartan - my bellybuttom ring - is getting an infection. It is all sore and pink: I think it is getting sympathetic with real Vartan's late "problems". How cute. Too bad that all this action is happening in my belly.

Oversharing? Sorry.

Damn, I feel so bipolar today.

ugh! argh!, psychobabble, law & course,, freaky dreams

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