Random post is random

Mar 29, 2010 08:45

Things I want:
  • An umbrella (the last one I had was destroyed by the rain. That's right, the RAIN won. And I have no willfloat  around to get me an umbrella for my birthday, so I'll have to suck it up and buy one the next time I am near a convenience store.)
  • A "Supernatural" vid to Lady Gaga's "Telephone" where the beginning is Cas calling Dean and Dean being all "I'm kinda busy, I'm kinda busy..." and then a mashup of all the characters on cell phones/dancing (creative editing!)
  • My essays to write themselves. Just this once?
  • The weather to stop being schizophrenic. Cold and rainy yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 80 and sunny by the end of the week (until it gets cold and rainy again).
  • For carbs not to go directly to my thighs yet be absolutely delicious (Past and me, a love story).
  • More CM crack fic (just in general).
  • Castiel to come back to my television. IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG!
Things that occurred:
  • I had a visitor this weekend! ambrosia4all  came and we had a very busy schedule. And then there was the added excitement of when we thought she lost her phone. But luckily someone found it and dropped it off at a nearby pharmacy. Then I took her on a forced march to get it before it got any ideas and tried to leave the building. I'm pretty happy she didn't disown me then- apparently I can walk really fast.
  • I watched "Life" last night on the discovery channel. Anyone else? While Oprah will never be able to replace Richard Attenborough, the cinematography was amazing. Really worth a watch.
Fic-y Things:
  • Apparently when you outline a story to your beta, it does not actually mean you've written it. I was looking around my hard drive for the Bobby and Rossi originally meet fic and was surprised to figure out that I hadn't written it. Whoops.
  • I've been watching "Dark Angel" (up to Disc 4 of the second season, but I know how it ends). I now really want to write a completely cracked out Dark Angel/Criminal Minds fusion fic. Yeah, that's right. I'm completely ignoring the obvious crossover (Jensen Ackles was on both Supernatural and Dark Angel) in favor of complete and utter crack!fusion. No, I have no clue what goes on in my brain either.
  • I also came up with a really dark (for me) Prentiss fic. No crossover. Not sure I'm going to write it though, but it might be worthwhile to part from comfort zone.
  • I outlined what could be a massive Supernatural AU series. Seriously, the outline is over 7 pages, single spaced. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I have some time this summer to figure out if it'll get written or I continue to enjoy the story mentally.
  • I owe drabbles to a heck of a lot of people. Sorry about that all! Life since the second week of February has sort of been like a punch in the academic gut followed by heckling, more punching, and the occasional pause to make you think it was all over before being slapped in the face. I wrote what I had inspiration for off the cuff, but haven't started on my backlog. Please know that I haven't forgotten you!
As I said, random post is random. Off to reheat some pancakes!

random, my boring life

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