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alkja January 30 2010, 13:44:17 UTC
Sam didn’t notice the coolers set on the small folding table until after he’d dumped his brother in bed and set his cell to ring in three hours. “What are those?” he asked Bobby suspiciously.

Bobby swiped the frozen hearts! He’s my idol!

Reid sighed. “The only way to get rid of a spirit is to salt and burn all parts of the body. Carsen, and his heart, were cremated so we don’t have to worry about him coming back. But so far there aren’t any evidence logs for the other bones Prentiss thinks are in the hole she was held in.”

OMG, Reid wants to do a salt-and-burn! He and Prentiss so need to be adopted by the Winchesters.

A tall figure turned around slowly, then dropped his arms. “Agent Morgan? Dr. Reid? What are you two doing here?” Sam Winchester asked.
Morgan nodded at the salt shaker and lighter fluid Winchester was holding. “Same thing as you it looks like. Needed to finish the job.”

Isn’t this nice? The very definition of a friendly get together. Also messing around a crime scene and evidence, but who’s going to mind?

Sam shrugged. “You can never tell. Dean said he wasn’t even sure Grace Nichols was going to come back. He apparently spent a lot of time talking to a bone and rubbing it in hopes of awakening her spirit.”

Yeah, that’s a new standard of weirdness when you say it out loud.

Sam grinned broadly over his shoulder, an expression Reid usually equated with his phys ed teachers and the trainers at the FBI academy. It was an expression that promised lots of hard work, physical pain, and the inability to move normally for a week. “Agent Reid, you read all about this. You know why we’re going to need a shovel.”
Reid swallowed. This was going to be fun.

Nobody said doing the right thing is easy, love. You should know that by now.

This was absolutely wonderful and I really hope you will continue with the xovers, because they’re really, really good. It’s almost indecent how apt you are both at tense, scary moments and hysterical, LOLtastic ones.

To say nothing of your gift for characters and their voices, there’s never an instance where one thinks “I’m not sure X or Y would say/do/think this” but every word rings true and you never lose sight of just who these guys are and what makes them so. And you blend the two teams so well together! The interactions are beautifully handled and serve the plot and the characters well.

The plot was also very interesting: much as I loved the first story supernatural one, it was only fair to present a human monster, the BAU turf.

Thank you so much for this new gift, your work paid off very well.


Extra - Plot bunnies up for adoption alkja January 30 2010, 13:46:54 UTC

What can I say? You bring out the best in me.

- Reid and the SPN books. Please.
- Alternately, the BAU team and the SPN books.
- Prentiss on the road with the Winchesters AU
- Bobby vs Rossi
- Prentiss, Reid and supernatural protections
- Prentiss does review past cases, finds something fishy and alerts the Winchesters
- Sam as Perry Mason type lawyer AU
- Reid and Castiel discuss theology
- Reid finally reads the Twilight saga and bitches about it, pointing out the stalking, paedophilia and assorted Unfortunate Implications and Bad Messages. You know he would.


Re: Extra - Plot bunnies up for adoption jujuberry136 January 30 2010, 15:16:57 UTC
As an FYI, while I'm still not positive when (or if) I'm going to write more in this 'verse, there are the basics for interludes cover a combination of "Reid and the SPN books" and "the BAU and the SPN books." There's another with the bare bones of "Rossi vs Bobby" (though probably not in the way you're thinking).

The Prentiss and Reid with supernatural protections is an interesting one I hadn't really considered before... *mulls*

Thanks for the prompts :)

Can't guarantee anything but I'll definitely keep these in mind. I want to finish some of the other prompts you gave (the Fringe/CM one is being tricky) before starting a new project. As I'm sure you've noticed, I don't like to post incomplete things...

(And Reid totally would subject the BAU to a lecture on the evils of Twilight. He wouldn't be able to help himself)


Re: Extra - Plot bunnies up for adoption alkja January 30 2010, 18:34:03 UTC
Whoa, you're really considering my bunnies?

And actually writing those prompts I threw your way?


I'm totally flatterd and moved and humbled and in total awe of you. It's alway incredible for me to put out a plot idea and then having someone dedicate their time to writing it and making it real. And since it's you, also good.

No matter what, you made me very happy. Thank you.


jujuberry136 January 30 2010, 16:31:14 UTC
Bobby swiped the frozen hearts! He’s my idol!

My competence kink goes behind CM ;)

Isn’t this nice? The very definition of a friendly get together. Also messing around a crime scene and evidence, but who’s going to mind?

Well, it's not like they need to worry about building a case. If Carsen was still alive, I think Morgan and Reid would still have a lot more hang ups about doing what needs to be done. But in this case, they're both willing to be baby Hunters.

Yeah, that’s a new standard of weirdness when you say it out loud.

Pretty much the definition of any of Dean's plans. They sometimes work, but it when you spell out exactly what he did you start to realize how batshit crazy an idea it was.

Thanks so much for all your kind words and your awesome reviews. Getting such detailed feedback is an awesome treat and really makes me smile. And I'm glad you liked the inversion of the plot from the first one (and let me tell you, it was hard to scale this back to only 1 supernatural element).

Thanks again for reading and reviewing. I really really really really appreciate it. YOU ARE AWESOME.


alkja January 30 2010, 18:29:02 UTC
If someone has to be appreciative here it's us readers, believe me.

Still, glad you like my rambles.


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