(no subject)

Jul 18, 2005 18:18

Name: Tory
Age: 18
Location: Auburn, faghat
Height: 5'8
Hair (color and style): three different shades and it's all long and hippy currently, WITH YUKA CURLS
Eyes: changes frequently, can't really call it either blue or green
Piercings/tattoos: none but I would enjoy having one of puuchiko on a bulging bicep or my forehead just to make people wtf at my general direction

1. Where would we go on dates? Anywhere you want to
2. Who are three (or more) of your favorite bands/artists? I have none, I enjoy all music equally.
3. Do you drink/smoke?? I am capable of the action, and can handle myself well, but I do not make a constant habit of either.
4. Do you like the rain? Yes.
5. If so...would you play in it with me? Sure thing.
6. Do you like movies? Yeah, they're interesting.
7. If so would you stay up and watch them with me all night? Sure would.
8. Could we cuddle and just fall asleep together? Absolutely.
9. Would you kiss my forehead? Sure.
10. Do you play an instrument? I used to, but no longer.
11. If so...what? Guitar, and I played a clarinet for a while because I heard it made a nice, jazzy tune. It didn't though, so I just used the class as an excuse to get out of school early since it took place at the end of the day.
12. Would you call me right after we saw eachother to make sure i made it home alright? Hmmm, this depends entirely on if I can see you tomorrow or not.
13. How would you rate your hugs from 1-10? a frightening 10, if you like to have the air squeezed out of you and have me be a pseudo chiropractor. I can dumb it down I think.
14. Would you try your hardest to make a relationship work? I would if I saw it had enough good things going for it to make it work, but if I knew it was going to eventually deteriorate I wouldn't do such.
15. How would you make me feel special? In no manner or form. I'd just tell you how I feel and think about you, and if that didn't make you feel special, then I'd just treat you with respect and admiration in a calm and simple way.
16. Favorite body part on a member of the opposite sex? That's just outright impossible for me to answer.
17. What would you say is the best thing about yourself? I am a person of no special note...?
18. Do you have any reps (ie: heartbreaker, slut)? Well, there has been many occasions where people go out of their way to call me an asshole, so there you go.
19. Do I have any reps you've heard? Wait this is for a specific person? Fuck. Uhhh...I have heard you're a really frighteningly ambitious person and have a tendency to kill someone by hanging them by their legs!
20. Would you give me kisses just because? Well, why not
21. What would you do if we were in a social situation in which I was uncomfortable? I would emphasize your discomfort and tell you to relax because they were all people that were either below you or good enough to not be bad.

What Would You do if...

I cried: Go insane
I said I liked you: Smile
I kissed you: Smile
I was hospitalized: I'd visit every day to see how you were doing.
I said I loved you: I would nod and appreciate it for the somber and genuine sentiment that it is.
I ran away from home: I would help you in whatever way the situation called for.
We got in a fight: I would wait for the tension to fade and approach you reasonably.
I pissed you off: I would probably say some things that would hurt your innermost emotional foundation.
I disappeared: I would think you strange.
I tried to tell you how I felt but was doing a rotten job of it? I would understand to my utmost possible abilities.

What Do You Think Of My...


Personality: Whoever you are, you must be great
Clothes: Hippy
Voice: Happy
Humor: Killing
Choice of music: Laughing
Manners: Knowledgeable
Friends: Hellish
Decisions: Hey, I don't know
Quirks: Um funny and great
Flaws: lots
Ambitions: just be yourself

Would You...

Be my friend: Sure!
Tell me the truth no matter what: No
Buy me a birthday gift: Absolutely
Lie to make me feel better: No
Spread rumors about me: No
Go out at 4am to get me chocolate: Yes
Keep a secret if I told you one: Yes
Loan me some cash: ...maybe
Hold my hand: Sure
Keep in touch: I'll do that
Make me a snack: Sure
Tell me when I bug you: that's impossible
Try and solve my problems: no
Love me: I suppose
Makeout with me: Sure
Ask me about my day and be genuinly interested: Positively.
Hold me in times of need: Yes
Ditch me: Yep.
Use me: Not without possibility.
ask me out: Yep
Date me: Sure
kiss with me whenever you had the chance: Nah
Hold me and make my problems go away: I don't think that's possible.
Come to me with a problem: No.

...Wait this is not good DREW WHO'S WAS THIS ON
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