lol i couldn't read the book, but i figure a series is much better. lol I've got this "Hell" book to read. It's about the same thing, i think. Only this is about Parisien girls and stuff. ^^'
É sim, é sim. Ganhei de aniversário, mas ainda não consegui ler. XD verei se acho pra alugar em algum canto.. =D ou vou na livraria e leio lá mesmo, se tiver tempo. XDD :D
they're all great, btw! :D
i couldn't read the book, but i figure a series is much better. lol
I've got this "Hell" book to read. It's about the same thing, i think. Only this is about Parisien girls and stuff. ^^'
E eu já li Hell, é da Lolita né?
verei se acho pra alugar em algum canto.. =D ou vou na livraria e leio lá mesmo, se tiver tempo. XDD
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