Well, I meant to update a little before this weekend came about, but I literally ran out of time.
So here's a short version of my current events :
Work has been hectic (as usual) - and we had an 'assembling party' for our complicated product binders yesterday. That was pretty nuts, and I was embarassed a little that Sherri could see our despair. Oh well, I'm sure we'll get things straightened out for the next assembling party.
I've been into healthy living. I've been working out a lot now too. Along with a yoga session that has once again proven absolutely vital to my living (in sanity).
I am broke - what is new, eh?
Earlier this week, I basically 'resigned' my position as a designer for the broadcast parties. I am just tired of the whole nightlife. I really don't care for it right now in my life. I have better things to do. period.
Finally talked with
Rebb the other day. She is my beautiful artist friend (I've known since kindergarten). She's been doing well - still going to GIA in north county. She met a nice boy (also an artist), and they are putting on a show together in the near future. niice.
So we are preparing to go camping today - that is why I am off work, and updating. Ry is at school, he'll be back before noon. We're going camping to Lake Morena. I thought is was north of here, but it wasn't - it was south east of san diego. It's 'supposed to' rain this weekend, but we're going anyways. that's whate tents and ponshos are for. I hope we get some good fishing and hiking. I really love being outdoors.
We will return on Sunday, and if I am not exhausted, I will update more then.
AND I have monday off - yay!