May 13, 2014 17:17
Finished Hunger Games, I LOVED it. I didn't intend to read it all at once, but I started the first chapter then next thing I know it's 3:40AM in the morning and I'm closing the book. Giving myself some time before I start the second so I don't overload.
Put in three applications today, including one in Buffalo. Not really thrilled with commuting to Buffalo, but would really like to stick with Wells if I can. Spoke with a staffing agency and let them put me in their database. One June starts I'll have to start getting a lot less picky - though Steven did raise a good point that unemployment might be more than I'd make if I took a teller position, I know a lot of people have a hard time finding a job once it's been a while since
they've had one and I don't think I want to take that risk.
Went to the Lilac Festival yesterday, which was lots of fun. Steven was our designated driver so Kel and I got to throw back sangria slushies. Of course, Steven is the only person I know game to try latin fusion sushi from a food truck at a fair on the hottest afternoon we've had in a while - to his credit he didn't get sick from it. Mentioned the sangia slushies to my SIL and now she's extra excited for the visit at the end of the month - my plan is to have her fall in love with Rochester so she can convince Jake to move since he's on the fence about it (I was talking to my primary care doctor about this last month and he told me I was evil).
On that note, I will say I love my doctors, all of whom are another reason I'm so happy I moved to Rochester. All of the doctors I see ALWAYS take me seriously when I have a concern and they answer my questions and walk me through why they're recommending/prescribing something so I understand it. Plus it tickles me that they've come to expect Steven at all my appointments and ask for him by name when I show up to an appointment without him. Even the nurse at who draws my blood has come to expect him there to hold my band. (Of course, only the nurses see the irony in constantly taking my blood to test for the cause of my anemia.)
I only rarely saw a doctor when I was younger, and in Queens I always saw a nurse practitioner. There was a doctor's name on the practice but I doubt he ever actually saw patients there; plus you'd show up 1/2 hour early for your appointment and still wait 1.5 hours. I'm so spoiled now that if it takes 5 minutes pass my appointment time for the nurse to call me back that I start to get irritated. So having doctors that actually remember me off the top of their head (such as knowing my brother recently got married, or I recently went to Georgia) makes me love the Rochester health system.
My abscess is healing well, but I'm still having Steven change the bandages so I don't have to look at it until it's a less shallow, gaping wound. I'm trying to keep super positive about all this medical crap. Barely flinched then they took my blood today, but my arm is feeling more bruised than it usually does.
I need a cat to cuddle with but it's about 90 degrees outside and neither cat wants to be cuddled - typical cat behavior, if I wanted nothing to do with them they would be walking across my keyboard, shedding fur all over me.