Apr 11, 2009 13:16
Okay, so I'm still alive. I've got 3 weeks of classes, then some finals, and then (at long last!) I graduate college. Is it driving me out of my mind? You bet. Last week was so busy I was thisclose to crying every night. But I survived it. And now the worse it behind me. I've got a few papers to write, one test to take, and I'm done.
Aside from school the rest of my life is going well. I've finally snagged a man, and we're coming up on the 8 month mark soon. Time has just been flying recently. The last year passed in a blur for me.
I suspect when I'm done with school I'll start up my writing again. There's this epic one-shot Avatar 'fic I've been toying with since last summer, and I've big into the Sarah Connor Chronicles right now, so there will probably be fic forthcoming for it. Plus once I have the time I'm probably going to take my original fiction more seriously. We'll see how it goes.
By the way, I'm taking a year off after I'm done with school. The plan is to get a job, move out of my parent's home and try to be an adult. I've been mimicing one for a few years now, so hopefully it won't be too difficult. After the year is up, I'll see what I want to do. I'll probably still end up going to law school, but if the last year or so has taught me anything, it's to go with the flow and be less rigid.
It's beautiful outside today, but I'm stuck inside doing work for my senior paper. It's loads of fun (not!). Of course, last weekend was gorgeous too, then we got 2" of snow Monday night. I can't say I'll miss Western NY, but it's been a good run.
real life