(no subject)

Mar 11, 2008 01:17

Life is so crazy this week, I don't know why I'm taking time out to post when I ought to be studying for my Latin American History midterm tomorrow. That way I can start studying for the Humanities midterm of Thursday so I'll have time to write the paper due for my African American Literature class that same day.

Speaking of my African American Lit. class (which is m favorite class this semester), recently the college had this "teach-in" to educate the campus about racism and white privilege. It was required for attendants to read a bunch of essays and articles relating to the topics, such as black-face, ghetto parties and free speech. Incidentally (and I knew my professor was an online fan person), one of the reading materials was about the wank that happened last year at daily_deviant about the use of the word "miscegenation." I just thought it was funny how real life does sometimes intersect with fandom.

In some happy news, however, I totally killed my Milton's Major Prose and Poetry midterm! My professor has a reputation for being a raging feminist bitch, but I've found her to be more mellow than people let on. Though I got a fright when she emailed the class this morning telling us that the midterm grades were dismal and we'd better be damned prepared to impress her this afternoon. I was so worried I was one of the people who got a 60 (thankfully my self-esteem isn't so low I thought I would get a 30), but I actually ended up with a 102! I broke the curve the class was going to get because I had 10 extra credit points from a previous quiz. I'm just happy that I made her good-list, 'cause I'd hate to end up on Walker's bad side.

Anyway, I won't have time to clean or pack for Spring Break until Friday. Thank God I'll be able to sleep on the 7-hour bus ride to NYC. I'll be so damn happy to finally get a car so I can make the trip on my time instead of having to leave Geneseo at midnight.

In addition to having to deal with midterms and the forthcoming Spring Break, I still need to find a place to live next year. We've got our eye on this amazing water-front property on a nearby lake, but we haven't had time to take a walk through yet, and we probably won't get to talk about a lease before we leave for the break.

Oh, and just a word about the Spitzer scandal. I'm just happy it was consensual and it wasn't with an underage male intern. Calling for his resignation is pretty harsh. It's hardly like he got us into a 5 year war with New Jersey. And honestly I'd be more suspicious if the man didn't have some skeletons in his closet. He's too good a politician, I'd start to think he was an alien. He spoke at my college just a week ago about endowing $4 billion to SUNY, so I for one don't want to see him go. Geneseo can use that money for more faculty after wasting millions on a new patio for the student union.

Okay, now it's nearing 1:30AM and I need to get some more studying in before I sleep. I hate 8AM classes.

real life

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