back again from the dead!

Jun 26, 2007 15:34

yeah yeah yeah im REALLY writin an entry its no kind of freaky illusion !
but u gotta understand: 本当に時間がない!
today was really weird!
in japanese sudenly ken and atsushii were crushing our lesson! ... and i really still cant get the point why! but it was so awesome! ill never forget yoshikosan and anna performing in front of us!
japanese diaglogues perfectly played with passion, emotionalism and ethos! ~
banned on film by my chinese friend angel

achan aka anna on the left

and ken aka yoshiko on the very left, second row

starring in

oshima in love~

gosh i think i gotta upload it on utube

ken'd gave me loads of bugs hidoii hidoii hidoii
and plus the todays japanese course was hilarious i was standing in traffig jam for about 1 hour!!!
and the cuase of all the fuss: 2 japanese looking horrified as the police was taking their personal data, one of them reminded me of munich's neo tokyo guy... wahahahaha next time ill pay with traffic tickets!
if hes rolling back with his office chair right into a filling cabinet call me sherlock !


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