Aug 20, 2007 11:32
why are these fuckwits having a meeting in the common area.... right in front of my desk. cant i work in peace, without having to hear all of your business?! i havent had my coffee yet... and you're all standing right in front of it. v_v
i even washed out my moldy cup already and everything.
and once again, my pens are gone. i swear, in garner and in thompson (more in thompson) if i dont put my shit on lockdown (i leterally lock it in the storage room) ALL of my shit disappears. problem items: pens, stapler removers, sharpies, postits, blades, and packing tape. i may well kill these people right her.
... hahahah GRACE just tried to walk through them and said "what is this, a conference?"
i have word that Chicago is calling candidates for the internship program this week. its almost 12 on monday... and they havent called me yet. yes it is too early to freak out... but... maybe a gentle follow up email would be ok? i called him last wednesday, and havent heard back, but i think if i send him an email my name is subconsciously stick out in his head while he is sifting through resumes. O.o. yeah.,... im making a confident adult decision here. follow up email.
in other news, i worked 60 hours last week. and am working about 66 this week. v_v all this hard work and absolutely nothing to show for it. story of my life. haha.
oh well, at least i can laugh at myself.
oh i did laundry yesterday. and i cleaned the garage. set up my ipod speakers. set up my tv and dvd player. and i cleaned the 30 dishes i was hording. and rearranged my dvd collection. har..