Jun 14, 2004 23:52
So today was the first day of "work." The reason I put "work" in quotations is because I still can't believe I actually have a job. I remember swearing off ever working until I was out of college because, frankly, I'm a spoiled lazy ass? I've always had everything handed to me because my parents never let me have a job before fearing that it would "interfere" with my schoolwork. But now my dad is complaining about college tuition for 2 kids and mortgage and blah blah. I don't understand why he chose to have children anyways. I mean, Tony and I both turned out pretty fucked up, but not so bad given the circumstances, I guess. Mommy still doesn't want me to have a job, but of course she has no say.
But anyways, a few weeks ago Whitney wanted to go to the mall to apply to a bunch of places and I ended up being offered an interview/job at the JC Penney optometry doing who-knows-what. So me and some other girl got hired and today was the first "training" day since I've been out of town (WOO-HOO!) and it ended up being so busy that no one had time to train me to do anything. So I ended up reading 6 zillion sales manuals, technical manuals, customer service manuals, price sheets, legal agreements, and messing around with the training program on the computer for 5 hours.
When I went on my lunch break, I found that JC Penney is just like Disneyland in the way that there is this whole civilization behind doors that the customers never see. It's crazy... there walls are lined with names of employees who earned "gold stars" next to their name badges for selling a lot or something. There's like a huge lunch room, elevator, employee entrance, locker room, executive offices, etc. behind this inconspicuous door. I even got lost and couldn't fine my way out, in a frown from my manager for taking too long of a break. Insanity.
It's kinda fun helping people pick glasses, though. All these people came in today and asked me all these questions about polycarbonate trifocal progressive lenses and the care instructions for titanium nickel alloy frames, and "do you think square frames would better complement my facial structure?". Of course I didn't have a damn clue what they were talking about, so I just smiled and nodded at anyone who spoke in my general direction replied with an emphatic, "that looks great!" to anyone who was buying frames. Heh, I feel important when people call me an "optician." And I get to dress up every day, which means I need to go shopping for business attire since I have none. This "job" is going to turn out to be pretty interesting gig after all...