What our schools need is a moment of ~science~

Apr 01, 2009 20:51

I have fallen for every single April Fools joke/prank/whatever today.

Every single one.

Even the KAT-TUN one ._.

*shakes fist*

I'm not gullible, really. Today just equalled Wednesday to me, not April 1st.

Shades of Koyama~ XD

Now I won't believe anything anyone tells me for the next month and a half, haha.

5 days left til birthday fiesta 2009! The cake...the cake is still the great unknown in this equation. All I have is sparklers and a dream~ Right now it's really looking like I'll have to grab one in Chinatown, we'll sing happy birthday in the middle of Front Street and I'll give away the leftovers to the homeless and the scalpers outside the Air Canada Centre.

Best birthday evarrrr.

Doughnuts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner today was clearly my moment of brilliance this week.

family, birthday fiesta 2009, lameness, to delete later

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