...I just wanted a cute Kusano picture at the top of my journal 8Dv
90% fangirling, 10% real life, 88.88888888% public (for now).
About me: ...idefk, lol. I will redo my profile...erm, someday. If there's anything you're curious about, just ask!
Fandom: I love all things JE, from senpais to juniors that will probably never debut; NEWS, K8 and Arashi are the main groups I keep up with, but I have a particular softspot for V6, KinKi, Ya-ya-yah, and Nakamaru, too. Heh.
My NEWS ranking! (/ninja edit):
1. Shige
1. Koyama
1. Massu
1. Kusano
1. Ryo
1. Uchi
2. Kusaperm*
3. Yamapi
8. Tegoshi
Subject to change without notice because really, I love them all ♥
*Kusaperm is the one thing I hold sacred in this fandom. If you be hatin', you can gtfo >:\ **
**Just kidding! ***
***Except not really.
I love meeting new people, so drop a comment and let's be friends! ☆
(Flail, spaz, capslock abuse, randomness, spam, keysmash and stupidity always welcome and, in fact, encouraged :Db)