My dream last night was infested with NEWS members, haha. Usually they only show up in the really bizarre and random ones, but this was so...straightforward. Wasn't even a metaphor for anything. Completely transparent. No analysis needed.
Synopsis: me, Tegoshi, Koyama, Shige, and Massu were running down Kusano on a university campus. LOL.
(This is totally rambly and unedited, because I like to get down as much as I remember while I can still remember it, and...well, whatever.)
Okay, so first, I'm wandering around my university library. Not UofG's, just some building on a campus that I'd dreamed up. I decide to head down to the audio section on the first floor. But instead of it being gigantic narrow stacks, everything was neatly arranged on pretty shelves like you'd see at a Chapters or something, and instead of call numbers the sections were denoted with little white signboards like "Comedy", "Pop", and "God". Yeah, not "Religion", just "GOD". LOL.
After seeing that it was more like a bookstore or CD shop than a library's A/V section, I was like "What am I even doing here, then? I graduated, I don't need to learn anything anymore," so I leave. I go out the back exit, which opens up to this beautiful brick courtyard with lots of trees and another building about 200m across the way, and who should step out of said building but...
Kusabear! Dun dun dunnnn~
He was with a group of 3 or 4 guys the same age, just regular college students. Except he was
wearing this. With red converses. Anyway they're all parting ways and I'm like "OMG IT'S KUSANO OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG DO SOMETHING" and stand there in shock until he starts to walk away...
And then I start running.
I'm still too far away from him for him to know he's being chased, but he's somehow realized it without even turning around and takes off running, too, and immediately I'm like "Well, fuck". Yeah, smart move, dream self, trying to run down Kusano. I didn't give up, just slowed down, but he was still going full out. Oh, and by this point we've left the courtyard area and have run into a huge open, hilly, grassy field.
We run and run and run and run and as I'm coming to the top of this hill and running out of breath with him leading by half a mile I feel this gust of wind from behind me (possibly a bright flash of light, too), and suddenly there's the sound of five pairs of feet pounding against the ground, not just my own, and I hear Tegoshi yell "Don't give up! We have Massu, remember?" and turn to see Tegoshi, Shige and Koyama all running their hearts out on my left, and as I turn to the right Massu accelerates to his top speed, which is like...four times faster than the rest of us. Heh.
They seriously swooped in out of nowhere like Power Rangers or summat, it was wicked XDD
Oh, and Kusano was laughing and whooping and talking shit the whole time, just like he would :)
So Tegoshi's right, with Massu we at least have a fighting chance of catching Kusa (he's already halved the distance between them), but I've been sprinting for like 20 minutes at this point and my lungs feel like they're going to explode. I glance left and Koyama looks close to collapsing, too, but Shige's still doing okay. Tegoshi is...bouncing along happily, haha. You know how he makes
that face when he's hardcore into something (super cute, best Tegoface ever)? Wasn't, here. He was just jogging all relaxed, like running down lost members of his group was something he did every day.
We come up on another hill with a maple tree at the top and we decide to spread out to try and trap him. Tegoshi takes off to the right (cooing "Notti! Nottiiiiiiiiii~!"), Koyama and Shige break left, and I keep heading towards the tree. We come over the hill to see Massu's only 7 or 8 strides behind Kusano now, but then it hits me how stupid this all is - how are the 5 of us supposed to trap him in the middle of a wide open field? We'll never be able to get close enough to surround him, and even if we did, once we tried to close in he's fast and small and smart enough to escape again.
So I start yelling and screaming in frustration, like "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPP, Notti, just COME BACK. STOP. Let us catch you, please? Fine, whatever, we give up. This is hopeless! Guys, this is never going to happennnnn!" blah blah blah whinycakes, until KoyaTego chirp up, all "But Member Ai, ne?" and I roll my eyes at Shige like "wtf, Member Ai isn't the answer to everything" and he just kind of shrugs, all sad for me because I clearly don't get it. Hee.
Then all the running abruptly ends, and the 5 of us are now lying in a circle on the grass, talking about how much fun that was, even though it was tiring. Someone (Massu?) sticks their hand in the middle and everyone follows suit, someone else yells "TEAM NEWS FOREVERRRRRRRR!" and we're all like "YAAAAAAYDSLGJASDLGASDGLJSDGLJASDGSJLK" and then I look over Massu's shoulder to see Kusano skipping in the grass behind him.
...So I guess we either caught him, or we had given up and he was flitting around nearby to mock our failure, lol. And he never joined in our stupid little Team NEWS cheer, but apparently that represented, like, my induction to the team, so I was happy anyway.
The end.
...Onigokko much? Though it was more like
this episode of Ya-ya-yah. If only KoyaShigeTegoMass were in kitty costumes :3
Ahahaha, perfect.