I had a good birthday. Thank you to everyone who sent messages! ♥ Hello, 23. maybe I'll write a sappy entry reflecting on my 22nd year later, but probably not. The highlight was definitely graduating university, with the Spice Girls concert second and a sloppy drunken Christmas Eve in Cuba arguing with Scottish people about polar bear safety a close third. Heh. All I hope is that this year is even better than the last!
Yoroshiku, universe~
Anyways, the second fanvid is officially dead on its feet. I'm finding myself oddly inspired with Yamapi and Tegoshi's parts, am completely confused as to what to do with Ryo and Uchi, and haven't even gone anywhere near the ex-K.K.Kity-ers. It's all backwards and messed up and while I have great ideas I'm only able to execute them about 60% as well as planned and sigh.
So what killed it? Ya-ya-yah. IRONY.
A simple "what episode was it with that 0.7 seconds where Koyama/Shige/Notti/Tego/Massu did that thing?" became a mission to finally sort out the 80 gigabytes (...ugh) of unorganized video on my external HD once and for all and 2 weeks later I'm not even halfway done with the ya-ya-yahs and haven't even touched the shokuras (or dramas or DVDs or...) because I get sucked into a lot of the episodes all over again. 2003 was a blast and 2004 was easy, but 2005 is turning out to be a total pain. All Massu did was eat, all Tegoshi did was go to spas (being an idol must be so harrrd~), I can't even REMEMBER anything Shige did, and all Kusano did was continue to be awesome.
Although the Brain Power episodes are a total trip upon rewatch. Koyama. Poor Koyama. His BP success rate is seriously like 0.00005%. Like...like...this. THIS.
Shige before, Shige after:
Koyama before, Koyama after:
LOLOLOLLOLOL says it all, really. *clings* Oh, Kei-chan.
And then it's onwards and upwards to 2006 with ALL THE FOOD!