Sep 02, 2009 01:04
I'm gonna start using nu,bers since things tend to get confused easely...
01.New year.
New school program.
Now I do what I like, aka DRAWING and ART.
Things couldnt be anymore perfect :D
I have classes such as Drawing, Photoshop, Photography and History of Art.
Let's just say it makes up for Hummanities.
02. I'm in a total Muse mood. It has reached a climax.
03. On another side I am quite pissed because the shop is being bitchy and wont let me order The Resistance deluxe box thingy :/
04. I am super motivated when it comes to art. I even started working on a new style for a POSSIBLE comic! (lol that would be my 47th style and my 9th attempt at making a Muse comic. How lame.)
Anyway, I hope you people are having a great time being alive and such :)