Jun 07, 2006 02:20
I've been moving since I was nine. Every couple of years my dad would get a new job and wam bam thank you ma'am I was off. At first I was resentful... but then I got used to it. It sucked having to leave my friends but I always made new ones. Now I have people on myspace finding me from elementary school. It just made me think about it. I've always been the person who left not the one to stay. Even recently. I left to move to New Mexico for a year. The only difference is that I came back. I don't know if I am any better for it. They say you can only move forward. Sometimes I think this last move was a move backward. Then I think of all of the skills I have aquired and the people I've met. Searcy is the best boss ever. He's like my big black brother that I never had. I could call him to pick me up from jail. That means something.
I guess this brings me to the point. Lucy is moving. My sister from another mister is leaving me for texas and cowboys. I almost wish I was going with her.. honestly I could but not until December. I just don't want to live in Texas. They say home is where your heart is. I guess mine is in Texas. Stupid Texas. Her point is that I left her first. I packed my bags and moved. It gave her ideas.. she just doesn't understand that I moved home technically. She says that I'm her hero. I don't want to be her hero. Living like a gypsy isn't for everyone. Que sera sera right.