Mar 11, 2004 16:24
What time is it now: 6:40
Your Name: Megan
Your Nickname: Megs
Your Online Name: xhotiebascottaex
Your sex: gurrrl
Your Age: 12 now, 13 in 19 days
Your Sign: Aries
Your height: like 5' 2" or somewhat around there
Your weight: 102, but its decreasing
Hair color: brown and soft auburn (reddish)
Eye color: brown
Hair length: medium-ish below the shoulder
Do you wear glasses: naw
Are your teeth straight: pretty much yah
Do you have freckles: negative
Do you have a fake tooth: noo
Do you have a fake eye: lolol noonono
Do you draw fake moles on yourself: no.. why would I?
Highest level of school: uhh like 7 ? I duno
Do you work: no
How do you dress: regular-ish. If it was my choice, I wouldn’t dress at all.
Do you smoke: no way
Do you drink: nope
Do you do drugs: nada
Do you have friends: yes, yes yes.
Do you have online friends: like, my friends that are online.. not people I don’t really know..
Do you like your friends: OF COURSE ! I love my friends !!
Do you like your online friends: if they are the same friends but online of course..
Got any kids? No,..wanna make some? Haha jk
Got any pets? Yah a dog a bird 2 turtles, wait one turtle, a fish ate the baby turtle, and fish
Got a car? Ooh baby, maybe in like 2 years
Live on your own? naw
Live with your parents? Ya think?
Type of music: punk rockish like all american rejects anti flag tsl everything like that yeah
Actor: guy who plays ross on freinds
Director/actor: guy who plays ross on friends !!!
Actress: I prefer guy actors. ^^
Movie: like emperors new groove haha
Soda: orange soda or dr.pepper
Food: french fries, anything fattening from mcdonalds
Car: lexus
Hobby: eating, aim, cheerleading
Sport: cheerleading, dancing
Artist: artist music wise- all american rejects
Author: I havent read since the 5th grade
Song: shoot I know this one… sic transit gloria by brand new is one I guess
Color: pink, green, and yellow
TV Show: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Brand of beer: beer is queer
Brand of liquor: liquor is fagottized
Brand of smokes: smoking is stupid
Brand of drug: drugs are gay
Brand of clothes: pac sun, 579, things like that
Shape: semicircle, looks like a watermelon haha
Texture: smooth
Game: Uno
Place: My computer chair
Year: 2001-2002 (5th grade)
Holiday: Christmas
Animal: I don’t like animals haha
Sound: music
Book: there’s a boy in the girls bathroom or HOLES
Drink: soda
Lies: sorry I wont do it again
Have you lied: yeah
Do you lie: sometimes..
Do you lie often: not really
Do you lie to save your own ass: most times I lie yes
Do you lie to save someone else ass: the other times I don’t do it for me, yeah
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your lover: no. I would let him live.
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired your friend: yea prolly
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired "that bitch you work with": yes
Have you lied to gain money: naw
Would you lie to gain money: prob not
Do you enjoy lying to strangers: haha yeyah
Have you ever enjoyed lying to a stranger: wht?
Would you dare to lie in the face of evil: no
Would you dare to lie in the face of your mother: no
Would you dare to lie in the face of your God: NO
Would you lie to get laid: nope
Have you lied to get laid: negative
Would you lie to get a job: naw
Have you lied to get a job: nope
Would you lie to get a date: negative
Have you lied to get a date: no
Are lies really that harmless: depends wht the lie is
Do you lie on online surveys to make yourself seem super cool: haha NO
Do you lie online: not that I know of
If lying is sinful.. are you going to hell: I don’t know
Love life:
Are you single: yea single and happy
Are you with someone: nope
Are you married: negative
Are you divorced: naw
Are you "Separated": somewhat
Are you "on break": I wish
Ever been in love: yes
How many times: 1 I think
Looking back do you regret it: no way
Do you date people you meet online: heck naw
Do you date people you meet at bars: uhh no
Do you date people: yezzir
Do you "net date": uh if I knew what that was I would probably say no
Are you happy with your current status, why: a little
Do you have a crush on someone close to you: yeah- jimmy
Are you still holding on to the past: yeah I cant let go
The following apply to you?
Charming: maybe?
Quiet: not most times
Loud: most times yes
Pretty: uhh I think so…
Radical: sure sure
Sucky: not really
Smart: im in pre IB does that make me smart
Stupid: sometimes
Dumbass: sometimes
Ugly: not really, but sometimes
Slow: on dumb jokes or if im not paying attention
Fast: sure sure
Talented: im not talented
Useless: naw
Punk: hah no
Young: sure sure
Old: negative
Dashing: thru the snow in a one horse open sleigh haha
Daring: NOT
Dainty: dainty?
Powerful: somewhat
Athletic: somehwat
Artistic: sure sure
Superhuman: YEAH RIGHT
Sexy: maybe
The following are Good/Bad
Sex: bad.
Love: Good
Happiness: Good
Rap: good good
Pain: depends
Pop music: ok
TV: ok
Country: Bad
Easy Listening: Good
Korn: no way
Sega: good
Nintendo: better
Play Station: better
Game Boy: better
Chinese Food: THE BEST.
Italian Food: ok
Japanese Food: better
Mexican Food: worse
Online Quizzes: lol depends
Online Surveys: Good
Whats your deep dark secret: I like jimmy a lot
Whats your biggest fear: drowning..
Whats your greatest sexual experience: not yet babes
Whats your best date ever: i dunno
Whats your worst date ever: i dunno
What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you: lots and lots.
Would you make a good candidate for Jerry Springer: no way too shy
You agree that DVD is much better than VHS right? Yes. Much better
Are you religious? yeah
Do you believe in a higher being: yeah.
Is every religion wrong except your own? Uh no
Do you believe that any religion is lower than your own, or is wrong? negative
Is your God the only god? yes
Are you going to heaven? Duno not there yet
Are you going to hell? Duno not pshycic
Do you like it? i neeeeeed it yes
Do you have any? Some change
Do you make a lot of it? Lol naw
Do you get your money through illegal ways? no
Do you pay taxes? When I buy things I guess I do
Do you think you shouldn't have to? Yeah
Who did you get this survey from? Monicas Journal
What time is it? 7:08
what time did you go to sleep last night?: 10
what was the last noise you heard before you fell asleep?: eamon, ashleys stepdad
the last thing you said?: "punk punk punk. Punk by the book."
what did you dream about?: oh I forget
do you drool or snore when you sleep?: snore I think
when did you wake up?: 7
how did you wake up?: ashleys mom
what's the first thing that crossed your mind when you woke up?: im at ashleys house !
when was the last time you took a shower?: this morning
when was the last time you said i love you to the opposite sex and meant it, family doesn't count: like a month or so; jimmy
where was the last place you went outside of your house? school
who was the last friend you saw?: ashley
who was the last friend you talked to?: ashley
who's the one person you would die without?: JIMMY
what's your favorite song?: lots
favorite album?: All American Rejects
how many times have you been in love?: ALREADY ANSWERED !
are you in love anyone right now?: somewhat
do they love you back? Probably not.. he moved on
if you could kill one person, who would it be?: stephanie burns
how many pillows are on your bed?: 5 haha
what color is the bottle of shampoo you use, and what kind is it?: black, white, and white, treseme and head n shoulders
what color is the soap you use and kind?: yellow ish… its like something with a D
what color is your razor?: pink
what kind of deoderant do you use?: soft n dry or something with a daisy on it
what kind of cologne/perfume do you wear?: none
do you use lotion?: not usually
how long are your nails right now?: longish
how old is the computer you're on?: like 1 year
who was the last person to annoy you?: josh b.
do you believe in God?: yezzir
how long are the showers you take?: 30 mins
how many showers do you take a week?: 4 or 5
do you love your parents?: yes yes
do you love your siblings?: yeah, nikis great
what's the worst thing that ever happened to you?: jimmy breaking up with me and moving away from ryan
when's the last time you cried?: feb 22
why?: jimmy broke up with me!
the last time you wished you were dead?: when jimmy broke up with me
the last time you felt important?: when I was going out with jimmy
the last time you felt sad because someone close to you was hurting?: brits broken toe
the last time you screamed?: fair
have you ever physically hurt yourself?: everyday, I am so clumsy
how smart are you?: pretty smart?
what person are you extremely attracted to, and not just because of looks?: jimmy
do you like being outside?: yeah but its cold
what one person do you know you could always turn to?: brittany
who do you look up to?: I have no clue
who's the last person that made you cry?: jimmy
is emotional pain or physical pain worse?: emotional. ofcourse
where do you want to live?: here is fine, where all my good friends are, jimmy, but I miss ryan
how many scars are on your body?: like 4
how many people do you love?: alot
who's your best friend(s)?: brittany ashley courtney rae rae
who do you turn to for advice?: brittany
if you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be?: elvis. haha
on a scale of 1-10, how happy are you?: 9
on a scale of 1-10, how depressed are you?: 1
what color are the sheets on your bed?: purple
how many cds do you own?: lots
what are 3cds you wish to own?: all american rejects, tsl, anti flag
what is your greatest regret?: losing jimmy
when was the last time you were sick?: not soon
are you hurting anywhere right now?: heart, im thinking about jimmy
what do you wish you were doing right now?: with jimmy
when was the last time you had a nightmare?: i dont know.
are you talking to anyone right now?: courtney
what are you talking about?: this survey
who's the last person you were on the phone with?: courtney
are you pale?: naw
when was the last time you brushed your hair?: this morning
have you ever wanted plastic surgery?: negative !
how many screen names do you have?: like 15
which one do you use the most? xhotiebascottaex