Jun 27, 2004 20:36
so my weekend consisted of:
a pedicure
sneaking into movies with jo and beck<3
almost running over an otter with my kayak
the movies i saw were the notebook and fahrenheit 911
the notebook=the most ive ever cried at movie
seriously me and becky had make up running down our faces
the shoes rachel mc adams wore were sooooooo cute!
i think i <3 her
****i strongly suggest all you see Fahrenheit 911****
i cried in that too. its so depressing! but michael moore is incredible!
bush is like too bad for words. him and his whole administration. there psychos!! im scared to live in this country. and i feel so bad for what we did to the civilians in iraq. it was absolutely pointless!
but anyways becky is my best friend and is buying us half pepperoni/half vegetarian pizza.<3 so time to go to jos..beat her at video games and eat eat eat!
my birthdays in 5 days!
and i get my paycheck tuesday;)