lots of shit has happened in the recent...ummm week. for one band practice was fuckin awsome. u mite even say it was..."productive". which isnt wat it always is. evan usually farts on andy and we play with wee puppy...and there was plenty of that on thursday BUT our songs our sounding awsome we got like new parts and shit and like shit yaaa. im guna try and get pics n shit up sometime of like a practice and once we record shit ill fuckin like find out how to let u sluts download it. anyhow im really hungryyyyy...i think ill get some trix. later dudes
pointless picture...
S P E C I A L P O S T :
u know who u are...and well maybe ur rite. i duno about everythin...but like u raise valid points and i guess things cant always be like they used to. we cant live in the past, and we have to focus on wats best for us now. but no matter wat ill always be here for you and i know ull be there for me. love always...