Aug 18, 2005 20:40
I'm livejournaling. It feels really odd, especially since a lot has gone on since I last posted.
Today was my last day at work. It was nice- they scheduled me with two of my favorite people, Josh and Laura, and Nick and Marcus came and visited.. it was a good time. And afterward, Laura and I celebrated my leaving at Olive Garden, which was too delish for words.
I am so so glad I ended up working at the cinemas. I made next to nothing, but I ended up meeting Nick and Laura. I am going to miss Nick when he leaves for Boston. He was a cool kid. Luckily, Laura will be around at UMaine.
My parents completely updated my computer today, as a sort of reward for being an RA and saving them a lot of money. My computer can now handle iTunes with no problems! I am totally loving it.
Tomorrow, The 40-year-old virgin comes out. Kelly and I are seeing it first thing, at 12:50. This has been the movie I have been waiting for since the very beginning of the summer. I'm considering buying the poster because it rocks my world, even though I own a million posters. Perhaps I shouldn't..
I think I'm going to switch out of my 18th century Fiction, Satire, and Poetry Course, and take British Women Writers instead. I found out that the professor who taught Feminist Literary Criticism will be teaching it, and the readings in the class are excellent.. we'd study Lady Oracle again (YES), read Northanger Abby, Jane Eyre.. all books I've wanted to read, as well as study some feminist literary criticism. Plus, it counts as a womens studies course. Unfortunately, it is an english 200 level course, which I don't need any more of (just need 400 levels at this point), but it looks far more interesting than the 18th century course. I'm trying to read Robinson Crusoe for it and slowly dying inside. I think I might ask the professor to become my advisor, as the advisor I have is terrible. I just want someone who is going to be proactive in trying to find a way for me not to take Reading Poems.
I refigured what I needed to take for the next four semesters and figured that I'll be able to graduate in time, and will end up having three free classes (aka classes that don't need to be gen eds, psych, womens studies, or english classes) as long as I take 15 credits a semster, so that's pretty nifty. I'll be able to do that. And if need be, I can always take a class next summer.
I move onto campus this Tuesday.. CAN'T WAIT. I expect you all to visit 136 Gannett. My RD emailed me today, and supposedly Gannett is still going under massive construction.. they have promised to be done with our rooms by Monday (my RD is currently living in Knox). I am crossing my fingers.
On Sunday I'm visiting Linds, which is pretty awesome
That's all I care to share on the lj. Man, this summer was pretty awesome. Lots of thrills, very few lows.. and I can't wait to see what fall will bring me.
Oh- and if you guys want to see anything currently playing in the theaters, get in touch with me. I have one more week to see free movies, and I plan on trying to see as many as possible.