- i hate breakfast
- i hate seafood
- i hate shrimp even though ive never eaten it
- my tans fade away in like 3 days
- ive been in spanish for years and i still cant carry a conversation for more than 30 seconds
- Royal Caribbean commercials make me happier than anything <3
- certain songs make me feel cool when i listen to them
- im not into rap
- i choked on a sock when i was like 2
- i hate shopping with out my mom
- when i shop with out her i get confused and frustrated and dont really get anything
- i am a gifted child 8)
- i think that kids in gifted are really fun
- i cant throw a ball
- ive never kicked a ball off the ground in a game of kickball, not once
- i sleep with my cat
- im afraid to sleep in my bedroom at my dads
- i stay on the computer even when no one is on
- i like to play computer games =)
- it bothers me when i listen to music everyone else listens to
- i feel uncomfortable when i am "DIRECTLY CONNECTED" to some one on AIM and no one is sending a picture
- i am a hopeless romantic <3
- nothing romantic has ever happened to me
- i have asthma but i can never find my inhaler
- this causes me to suck worse at sports than i naturally do
- i dont think ive ever had a boyfriend thats really liked me
- i used to stop liking boys when i found out they liked me.. it made me upset
- i dont call boys
- i dont even call my boyfriends
- i will however, return a call from a boy
- i dont like to IM people first online
- i like to leave people voicemails
- i happen to look like my uncle, my nephiew looks like my dad, my niece looks like me.. makes you wonder who the real parents really are
- im afraid of chucky :(
- i had an imaginary friend named Stacy because my cousin had an imaginary friend.. my cousin was my idol
- i still play SUPER MARIO on Super Nintendo 8)
- i like to be weird
- when i was in 5th grade i wore a size 9 and now i wear a size 8 ? hmm
- i am 5'2.5
- i miss "The Adventures of Pete and Pete" and "Clarissa Explains it All" so much that i have cried about it
- i get insanely jealous sometimes
- i can feel friendless when i have a friend over
- my favorite thing to do with a boy is hold hands :)
- even though ive done more :P
- i am convinced that i have ADD
- i hate doing classwork, instead i just sit or i write lyrics to songs in my head
- i procrastinate WAY too much
- i still manage to get straight A's
- when i'm having a conversation with some one, i tend to start thinking of random things like "i wonder if id be a good addition to the swim team"
- i hate calling people's houses after 8
- i don't clean my room that much but when i do it makes me happy
- i am not too fond of tv, but i will watch it
- i like to watch lifetime
- i feel bad for the kids younger than me because nickelodeon sucks ass now :( and they have to grow up with this shit
- when i watch "A Wedding Story" i always cry
- when i sleep with 2 socks on my left sock is always missing in the morning
- when i sleep in shorts i always get cold, even in the summer
- i dont like taking baths but i think standing in the shower is annoying
- i get depressed a lot for no reason
- my sister is way taller than me
- so is everyone else
- i need new contacts
- i cant answer my cell phone in my house and have a conversation for more than a minute
- disney movies comfort me
- i cant draw :(
- i cant write stories
- i love going to the orthodontist
thats all i can think of for now .. but theres a lot more weird stuff about me you dont know :)