First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Yagyuu-kun! According to my you'll receive my shipped present in 2 days. I'm certain that your stomach can handle my newest Inui Juice.
Moreover, I feel obliged to tell Kikumaru what really happened on that certain evening and who hit him. (To Kikumaru: Don't forget our information trade) [ooc: this is reference to
our log ;D read it first]
After meeting Kikumaru near the tennis court, I offered him my newest creation which he, of course, couldn't refuse. The reaction caused by the Inui Juice didn't go according to my calculations and Kikumaru was in a weird state; I immediately ran to the nurse's office to get some help. However, when I returned Kikumaru was K.O !!!
But fortunately I could sill take a glance at the person who attacked Kikumaru; what's more I was able to hear something like "I'm in da ryhtm~" o.O All in all, I assume that's not difficult anymore to find out the real culprit.
OMG I never expected that Fudomine would-...
[ooc: haven't posted for a while ;D YES; INUI IS EVIL accusing Fudoumine's Kamio *muhahaha* Sorry, that I'm so abusing my part as Inui ;D
My MSN is, please add me~ since logs are love <3 especially when Inui knocks out the other party]