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Sep 21, 2011 08:27

20 various (Game of Thrones, True Blood, Lost, etc.) icons for round 10 of 20inspirations

1 (Texture set) I used many images of Dany to represent her many stages of character growth through GoT (I also threw some Drogo in there as well).
2 (Aftermath) Not totally on board with Jessica/Jason (yet) but I wanted to covey their guilt in the aftermath and their growing affections.
3 (The Weekend Lake) Using calm, cool colors I wanted to epitomize the visual aestethics of Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette.
4 (Ending) Tooth and Claw is one of my favorite Dr. Who episodes, and I think the ending scene really epitomizes the Doctor and Rose.
5 (General theme) "Life is not a song sweetling" A great quote that represents the dynamic relationship between Littlefinger and Sansa.

6 (Death) Here I am representing how Sun and Jin both made their passage into the afterlife through the sea, and together.
7 (General theme) "I dreamed of you" From the GoT book series this quote really (for me) represents the relationship between Brienne and Jamie Lannister.
8 (Heart) Went with the hurt/comfort theme for representing the relationship between Eric and Sookie.
9 (General theme) I was hoping to portray the seperation of reunion of Hermoine and Ron in the first Deathly Hallows, and their emotions regarding that situation.
10 (Closure) This scene between Juliet and Sawyer really gave me a sense of closure for their relationship, so beautiful.

11 (General theme) I wanted to portray how both the Doctor's and Rose's lives changed when they met each other, and when they were parted.
12 (Texture set) I love the dynamic of Cook and Effy, I wanted to display their time together on the run.
13 (General theme) Used to color red to convey the passion between Jessica and Jason.
14 (Howl, Florence & The Machine) Older Amy being a total bad-ass in "The Girl Who Waited", wanted to emulate my love for hair porn as well.
15 (Raw) Love this gaze between Simon and Alisha, thought it summed up their relationship very well.

16 (Angst) Can't even start on the angst, Juliet's death and Jack's guilt, it kills me.
17 (General theme) Lux is awoken in a field, left alone, I feel like this paticular incident causes her downward spiral.
18 (Colourmayfade's Juliet/Sawyer icon) Guns and Juliet/Sawyer, what a great combination.
19 (Empty) In the aftermath of Ned's death Cat must find the strength to carry on for herself and her children "You must be as fierce and hard as the North"
20 (General theme) This is my favorite Eric/Sookie scene, his true display of raw emotion and her support. For me this scene IS Eric and Sookie.

tv: dr who, tv: true blood, tv: lost, tv: misfits, tv: skins

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