Apr 03, 2006 13:36
Ho k. So last night at like, 11:30, this little knock comes on our door, and the only reason I can possibly think of why someone would at our door this late is, "Is Micah getting picked up?" So I go and answer the door. This Black guy (definitely not Micah's dad,) is like, Hi, are you Mrs. Royce? "No I'm her daughter." Oh, well Is the man of the house home? "No." (cause he wasn't. apparently that was bad of me to say that) Oh, well I've met your parents before, and I live in those town homes (if you've met my mom, you wouldn't think I'm her. STUPID) My daughter had an asthma attack...my wife has breast cancer...she'll be home with our visa, at 7:30.....could you ask your mother if I could borrow hers? Yes, well she was sleeping, and I told him that, but I'd go check. So I leave him there, with the door closed, and I go and panick with my mom, cause she doesn't know this guy. So, I leave him out there for like 5 minutes,a dn then he was away. Doesn't go to any other houses, and just goes and stands over by the townhomes. Ok, and then we lock everything up, and try to go to bed. 10 minutes later, Micah see's a person walking outside our basement window. Calls the police. 15 minutes later, some lady cops show up, and search the area, which was pretty cool, but they find nothing. Then they leave, and Micah see's more person walking along our house. Police come back, and search. Pretty much not the right places. But we're not dead yet...