Aug 22, 2006 20:51
So, I go to physical therapy after work tonite still trying to get my hand/wrist/arm back (I'm told it was a pretty bad break and will take a while) and then head home. I get to my road and the cross gates are down, lights are blinking and a train is going by. What you need to know is there is one way on and off this mountain and the train tracks cross that road. NS has a policy that they will not sit for more than 20 mins but lets remember that that is just time not in motion. That does not include how long it takes for a train to crawl by or slow down to that stop or start up again. I'll also point out that there is no set schedule...the train could block my road at any hour of the day or night at any time of the year. It's not so bad most of the time and we LOVE living up in the mountains!! However, when it's's BAD!!! Back to tonite...I pull up and get in line behind the first person which tells me the train just started by and I missed going right up the mountain by less than 5 mins. The vehicles pile in behind me one-by-one as the train slows down and stops. Over a half hour later, we see someone from the train walking along the train checking it out...not good. Finally the police show up and talk to this guy and the nice, hot officer drives back down stopping at each vehicle telling us that he is going to open the emergency gate because the train broke down! So, the whole line of traffic has to turn around and go around to this emergency entrance just to get on the other side of the train and go home over an hour after we would have had there been no train! haha!
The next lovely thing that started last Thursday is that my computer at work will not let me on my LJ??? I can go to other's LJ but not mine or my friends page. I keep getting an Internet Explorer error and it closes the window. One time, it closed all the IEs I had open including the work ones! Cutepacub can get on my LJ at his computer but my computer suddenly stopped letting me? So, if you notice that I seem to be on here less than usual, please do not take it personally : )