Surface Tension

Jun 06, 2005 15:21

Jackass Irony:

A Soldier tells about an incident in the grocery store he stopped at yesterday, on his way home from the base. He said that ahead of several people in front of him stood a woman dressed in a burkha.. He said when she got to the cashier she loudly remarked about the US flag lapel pin the cashier wore on his smock.
The cashier reached up and touched the pin, and said proudly, "yes, I always wear it and I probably always will."
The woman in the burkha then asked the cashier when he was going to stop bombing her countrymen, explaining that she was Iraqi.
A gentleman standing behind the soldier stepped forward, putting his arm around his shoulders, and nodding towards the soldier, said in a calm and gentle voice to the Iraqi woman: "Lady, hundreds of thousands of men and women like this young man have fought and died so that YOU could stand here, in MY country and accuse a check-out cashier of bombing YOUR countrymen. It is my belief that had you been this outspoken in YOUR own country, we wouldn't need to be there today.
But, hey, if you have now learned how to speak out so loudly and clearly, I'll gladly buy you a ticket and pay your way back to Iraq so you can straighten out the mess in YOUR country that you are obviously here in MY country to avoid."
Everyone within hearing distance cheered.
Pass this on to all your proud Americans


-I managed to eScape for a few days to the place I love.
My baby's arms, in Baldwin Park, Los Angeles.
The only place I feel truly at home anymore.
The only place I've ever really felt truly at home.
We went to the beach on Friday evening after
eating out at AppleBeez.  Cuddled in the sand.
Drove around and sang songs while getting lost,
again.  hehe =]
Saturday we mainly just chilled at home.  Cuddled
for hours.  Slept the day away, not missing a single thing.
She had work at 4-8:30.  I gave her a long owed massage.
the oil didn't help, it was relax-based massage oil that
helped you to fall asleep.  Lol.  Not good to use before a
4 hour weekend shift at an urban city mall.

I dropped her off, walked around and found some Zap
sport series paintballs on sale for %50 off of $16.99 for 500 balls.
I picked up 1500 (3 cases) and got away with paying $27.57,
major steal.  I was a happy soldier. 
Before hand I bothered Nance at her work and tried on some
pants.  I liked both, a lot.  But I only had money for one pair.
So I picked my long needed pair of Dickies for [future] work.

After that, I was going to drive around and wait for her to get off
work, but I had the urge (I always do) to do something randomly nice for her
since I wasn't making good use of my time at the moment.
So I picked up 6 pink roses and a card, along with some sour apple
altoids that I thought she was extra fond of (as those things are
intensely addicting sometimes).  But she loved it anyway.  I tried to give
it to her at work, but I got there just in time to get rejected, they closed their
stupid gate already and "couldn't open it" for w/e reason.  *cough* cuz the manager
is a ...*cough*  So I had her call me just before she came out, and I ran up and
gave it to her in front of the mall.  And I love seeing that smile on her face =]

After that we parked it and cuddled in my car until about 9:30?  I can't remember,
might have been 10ish.  But I dropped her off when she was 'off work' according
to her parents, and she ate, we did our thing, and I was snuck in again =D
That night kinda went haywire though.  I ended up being in the closet right away for about
an hour and 1/2 frying my butt off, cuz her sister had the bright idea to talk about
planning what to take and such for their Hawaii trip, which isn't for 2 1/3 months.
Then her brother called from his base and they all got excited.  So I spent another long time
in the closet while she chatted with him, kinda forgetting the fact that.. I was in the freakin closet, lol.
But things cleared up, I was just kinda uh... neglected.  But not intentionally.
I had to hide from her parents in the rare event that they'd walk in.
So it was ok.  I was just not happy being stuck in there like that. 
She tried to get me to come out, but I didn't know she locked her door, so I said no
it's safer if I just stay in here, and just told her to hurry up and finish
everything so we could lock her door and chill the night away.
But that made her mad since I was mad and then naturally.. well, you know how it goes.
But we made up.  Sunday was much better.  As was Sunday night.

I went to Wal-Mart after dropping Nancie off for work,
since I HAD to get myself a Tamagotchi to match the one I bought
for her.  I got a blue one and spent an hour decorating it with letters
and pictures that it comes with (stickers).  You can connect them
with the infrared sensor on the top and give eachother gifts and
play games.  It's pretty addicting (duh!), so we were all excited after her work,
sitting in my car connecting our Tamagotchi, hahaha.  :D
Before that,
I shot some rounds off with her little bro in the back yard.
We painted his wall up pretty good, heh. 
Left at around 6.  Picked up some Jamba Juice for Nancie,
the girl at Jamba Juice was eh, seriously bein extra friendly with me,
makin all kinds of direct smile eye contact.  Then as I was leaving she
shouted out "byee have a nice day" with this big 'o flirtacious smile,
me being the only one that was said bye to.  I felt bad cuz I guess I kinda
toyed her a little, I smiled back when she was ringing me up, etc,
but I was just being nice, I wanted to say, sorry... but I'm engaged (practically) =]
I don't think I should go back to that Jamba Juice.  Orrr, I can go back with Nancie,
LOL... ouch, that's kinda harsh.  *shrug*  I love my baby. 
Via help from Stacie with the parents, we shot straight to StarBucks
and chilled there so ([they could do homework]) Nancie and me could be together for a few hours,
being my 'last night' there, even though I'd sneak in later.

And our last night together was very very good.  Save from the annoyance
of younger siblings.. sharing a room with you.

Oh! Another noteworthy thing, some crazy shit was goin down that night too.
Freakin COPters were buzzin all over right above her house, sirens were goin off
every which way.  Someone was gettin busted, and/or ran down like a MoFo. 
Lights kept shining into our room, lasted about 30 minutes.  Pretty sweet.
Then, we did things that lovers do.  =]

Labor Force:

-Expecting said phone call tomorrow, from the Manager of Best Western hotel Shelter Cove. 
They still have my application, and she does 'want to talk to me.' 
Whatever that means, not sure if that's good or bad. 
-F__k PacSun and its psycho manager lady.  Seriously.
Some people take their job and themselves a little too seriously.
She thought I was hitting on her during the interview since I asked what she likes to do
in her free time, since she asked if I had any questions about her, it was funny.
First thing she said was "well I like to spend time with my husband... etc etc"
I was like ... dood, you're ugly, you're old, and I have a girlfriend, that was
not my intention.  Get over yourself.  Seriously, she's like 35 trying to act like she's
still 17.  You oughta see this lady.  Ha.
-Almost got hired on the spot at StarBucks today jusy by looking good.
Dressed in my [finally] new Dickies via the store my baby works at, Tilly's... even though she didn't get me a discount... =p
and a white dress shirt with my converse on.  Hair styled.  All that.  I was just picking up an
application from the table and she started a conversation with me.  Basically wanted to hire me,
but she was trying to fill Fall positions.  Sorry no.
-She recommended I check out the other SBucks next Monday.  'Hire day,' lots of managers gun' be there.
We'll see.

Home Strife:

-The old skool tension is verrrry quickly returning to this place. 
I'm continually having to be the better man between my dad and myself.
He keeps trying to start shit wit me over the most brainless crap.
He thinks he's real sneaky..
I, unexpectedly to him, keep the cool hand and mainly just blow him off
with short no-retaliation-bait answers.  I swear to all that is sacred no more,
when you realize that you're more mature than your 50+ year old father,
it's time to move out the house.   (Especially when you are no longer
welcome in your house because of that fact.  I'm increasingly
becoming more of a stranger everytime I walk back through that door.
Even if it's just to go out to eat for 30 minutes by myself.  It's like they
mad dog me everytime I come home, yet they get enraged everytime
I leave without telling them my GPS code, like I ever told them before.)
It's because they know a girl is involved again,
and there's nothing they can do about it.
They know it, and it scares them to death to have
no control.
-What's funny, is after all these years, he still thinks he has the right
to know where I'm going, and what I'm doing during the day and often night. 
To the point where he actually believes it is his business.  Ah ha... ha...
You'd think he would have learned after the 4 years of bullshit they put me through.
Scratch that, 18 years of bullshit..  And they still think they can call themselves my parents..
As if the words I'd enlighten them with would be received as anything but sheer rebellion
and f__k up.  No, I learned my lesson.  My life stays with me.
And I only have one thing to say to them..  and I'm not going to say it.  Remember? 
Being the better man..

..And my faggot ass fag fuck face brother is home..
So I'm going to go.
I hate doing anything that involves my life in his presence.
..I'm not close with my family..
at all.


Til next time!  Pictures to come!
I forgot my camera at my baby's house!!
xp  ooooOOPs!  hehe.

I got some killer pictures of her.  Killer.  Stunning.  Gorrrrrrgeous.  Sexy, she's incredible.  Movie star status.  ...AHH!  HoT DaMn~!

Did em, le did anh! =DDD
Anh cong di dai!
Mong Thai
Lo Thai


P.S. I did a horrible job spelling those.
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