Today's the National Day of Silence. ( and
It also marks my 4 year anniversary of coming out. I consider my "Coming Out Day" (though in all reality, coming out is a long process, and not just a day or a moment) to be the Day of Silence, 2004, when I sent a coming out e-mail to all my hallmates in Loma. That's when I made the conscious choice to live as an out gay man rather than a closeted one, even if there were times I retreated back into the safety of the closet after that. So I use the Day of Silence as my anniversary every year (even though the date changes, and my anniversary should technically be the 21st of April)
And now look at me. I work at an LGBT Center. Random people across campus recognize me from panels or trainings I've done. Just telling people where I work requires an act of coming out. 4 years ago I was scared to tell the people I loved, and now I tell strangers on a daily basis. We can come a long way in a short period of time