Mar 15, 2006 16:41
GGGRRRRR! is all i have to say. THATS ALL! Thank you Anthony for all that you have done. You've been a great friend. You shouldn't hate people. HIGHLY DISLIKE is ok..but never hate. but you know what??? YOU LIVE YOU LEARN (and then you get LUVs)!!!!!
Random Facts I learned from Abby:
Dolly Parton has big boobs.
Jack Black's parents are rocket scientists.
Abby's biscotti is ORGANIC
Paris Hilton wears a size 11 in shoes
Dolly Parton had REALLY big boobs.
there are more...but thats all I can remember right now. Any one else sick of ALEX??? I CANT STAND HER! i wanna chuck her outta window..or off the empire state building. (that wasn't very nice..but its true.) and I like Mary and everything..but..I'M SICK OF HEARING ABOUT AUSTRAILIA!!!!! i dont know why i even talk to them! Alex talks about herself 24/7!!! No one can say a word without alex jumping in to say something that happend to her. and when anthony visited us all on monday, we were all asking him questions about what school was like over in Tennessee, she kept talking about herself! I was thinking " SHUT UP ALREADY!!! WE WANNA TALK TO ANTHONY! NOT YOU!!!!! I'M SICK OF YOU!!!" and....i'm not the type of person to say that to someones face...but I'm offly close to saying it to her face!!!!!! and Kaity knows what I'm talking about. and Alex wants me to get a picture of JERICO BALL just because her parents know him. And she said she doesn't wanna look in the years book because he looks chineese! She's like prejiduce against chineese people!! I LOVE CHINEESE PEOPLE!! ESPECIALLY MICHELLE! shes awsome! and Anna was talking to me and Benji and Michelle and Dale and alex pushes her out the way and says " Anna..ur kinda pushing me out." and she pushes Anna out of the way!!! I was really mad!!! uuuuggggghhhh! I just wanna..hurt her or something! ya know what I mean??? I think i'm gonna block her on AIM. can you PERMENITLY block someone??? I need to find out. And Mary keeps using me as an arm rest..IM A HUMAN!! NOT AN ARMREST!!! I may be short...but that doesn't mean you can make fun of me and use me as an armrest. I understand when someones like " MACKENZIE! UR SO SHORT!!!" and stuff like that....but..being used as an armrest??? I told her today that I was sick of being used as an armrest and she used Dale. I dont think Dale liked it. I need to pray about all this.
my hommies that I love:
~Katie (thats a lot of Katie's)
there are A LOT more..... LIKE A LOT MORE!!! and please note..these are not in ANY particular order! I just typed them as I thought of them. so...if your like last or second to last or something..dont take it personally. I love all my friends. I dont know what I would do with out you guys. And if i'm annoying you or something..just let me know! I never wanna make you guys mad or sad or anything!!!
Love always and forever