Eighth Snowfall: I've got some falling to do

Aug 13, 2011 22:08

[Posted just after midnight]
[Really, she should be thinking about the fact that it's nearly midnight and all this water is likely to go away around then. But she's not. Really, she just lost track of time, because she went for a wander.

So she's, oh, a good one or two hundred feet up from the 'bottom' of the city when she turns the PCD on, the long trailing ends of the strands of seaweed that have made up her 'outfit' for the week floating around her as she floats mostly stationary with the occasional flick of her tail, the the PCD video is as well.]

Keeping this volume of water contained, changing everyone and everything, right down to the gardens...

I wonder why there's so much water ag--

[Hold that thought, Rukia, because the water has just disappeared.

Which puts her several hundred feet in mid-air.

With an awkward-sounding squawk, Rukia falls, losing a grip on her PCD in her surprise.

And after a few seconds she remembers HOLY SHIT SHE'S SHINIGAMI SHE CAN WALK ON AIR and lands on solidified air, still quite a ways up, but no longer falling, and catches the PCD expertly as it falls past her.]

Well. Not anymore.

[She's breathing hard (thank you adrenaline) and a bit shaken-looking but otherwise fine.

And slowly realizing that, whatever she was wearing at the start of the week, wherever it is, it's not here. Because the Animus decided to troll her I guess. All she has on is the seaweed left from her previous form and greenery doesn't not an outfit make.

PCD camera shot restricted to her slowly-turning-red face and bare shoulders, Rukia clears her throat, clearly embarrassed.]

Uh. I believe I require... some assistance. Possibly in the form of something to wear

rain rain go away, y u so random adstring?, definitely not soul society, confused rukia is confused, .....like the seaweed ambassador, shinigami walk on air, ....but cute too, ...also sexy, shinigami airways, this will end well, srs bsns fais, keeping oneself busy, her last nude scene was in hell

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