[Rukia's taken to carrying the device around with her as she goes out looking for fod and other useful things in the more ruined parts of the Safezone. In case she needs to call for help or something.
Or, and to use as, basically, a glorified notepad. Since that seems to be what she turns it on for, even as she's poking through an old, abandoned store, thankfully sheltered from the rain.]
Let's see... So far I've found two bottles of water, a towel, a horror novel, three unhappy killer rabbits, a ball of green yarn a--
[She stops short, having spotted something else, which she then crouches to pick it up and bring it in front of the camera. It looks something like
this, though it's missing all of the buttons (including the eyes) and half the claws and is generally in not-very-good shape. And possibly the weirdest-looking lion plush the world has ever seen. It's just a stuffed animal though, despite the wary look she gives it at first. And then she sighs, looking at the poor thing a bit more kindly.]
Looks like you've had a rough time of it too, huh? Well, maybe as long as you promise not to be annoying and perverted I can take you home.
[The stuffed lion, predictably, has no answer. Rukia just shakes her head and stuffs it in her sack.]
Where to next? Bit like being back in the old days agai--
[The feed cuts off as she stuffs the PCD into her bag too.]