Second snowfall: It's the year of the Chappy. I mean rabbit.

Jan 01, 2011 23:43

[It seems someone has taken over the spare room in Traverse Garden... Though not by much. The PCD, turned on when someone picks it up not-so-carefully to set it aside, face-up, shows a room with not much more than Rukia sitting at a low table.

Fanned out on the table in front of her, above some blank paper, are several pictures, some of them photos, some of them drawings... Those who know them may recognize people like Ichigo, Orihime, Ishida, Chad, Ichigo's sisters and other Karakura people in the four photographs.

The two drawings look very official, clearly not done by her, one of the Sixth division captain and vice-captain, the other of the thirteenth division captain--Ukitake--and vice-captain. Even people who don't know her would be able to tell that she didn't draw those herself.

Because Rukia is drawing. She apparently found markers and paper and is going to town. If she's met you? She's probably drawn you. As a bunny.

While she's wearing those bunny ears everyone woke up in.

And humming somewhat tunelessly, but cheerfully, stopping only when she sees the PCD is on.]


Ah, no one was supposed to see these yet! [She starts to gather her own drawings up to hide them away, but then kind of realizes it's too late and gives it up.

Oh well. She was late with those anyway.

She huffs, already irritated with this new technology. So she picks it up and pokes at it some more.]

Are these devices always so sensitive? Seems troublesome, with half the buttons unlabeled, and so many of them too... And besides, wh--

[And with that, she hits the wrong button and turns off the feed.]

missing-remembering, omfg new technology, confused rukia is confused, rukia ia an arteest, hope you like the ears, and then everyone was a bunny, gifts from home, year of the rabbit fuck yeah, bunnies. bunnies everywhere

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