Jul 18, 2005 22:29
hello, livejournal.
been a while since ive written anything of substance, huh? yeah.
well the summer's been busy to say the least. 2 weeks til california. woo hoo/oh no. but i dont wanna talk about that.
so hm. yeah. for anyone who actually does care how ive actually been [what ive been up to is moot, i think]..i think its safe to say that ive been pretty damn spectacular. being home was hard at first...its difficult to come from emerson to a place like this [marginally violently rude but for the most part politely bigoted].
but i think at this point its safe to say that in a lot of ways this summer has made me stronger. it took a couple months of doing, but i can honestly say that despite the small minds that surround me, i am comfortable in my own skin.
i have short hair. i am intesely loyal to a very worn pair of cargo shorts. i am also the owner of what is actually a pretty nice rack.
so i'm sorry, mr. average afraid man, if i confuse you as i walk by, im sorry if your horizons are so narrow that they do not accommidate the idea of a chick looking cuter in the same haircut as you, sorry that you cant handle the sight of a person with tits having a hotter wifey than you do, sorry that it makes you so damn uncomfortable to see a girl whos mere existence so challenges your own masculinity that you feel the need to assert it by threatening me with fear-soaked violence...what you think it is to be a truly be a man.
i refuse to define myself in terms of a binary gender system.
i am well aware that i am a butch dyke. and fucking proud of who i am.
so fuck all you haters. this is how i roll. and i look damn good doing it.